Sunday, December 22, 2019

In the SPIRIT of Christmas, Maka Ndigbo from Mazi Odera POg JP.

It is no longer News that Ndigbo mark Birthday of Jesus with Swag and splendor, it is during that period that the nation witness "MOVEMENT OF JAH PEOPLE", where the entire Nation stand  mouth Agape as all the Players in the Nation, the cream of the Society, the breath and Oxygen of the Nation moves like the 3 Wise men in the Bible, they all headed EAST, singing Hosanna with a solemn heart.

Hold Up, traffic congestion all tracking, trailing Jah people that are heading East. 

The Business stands still, Civil Service come to a Crippled Menopause because ISREALITES left for CENSUS back to their own Towns and Cribs. 

Yes, that is always the period of Census, where each Clan take stock of their Children who came back or those who did not, the Village square goes into frenzy and happiness, the Town have activities that brings the good, the bad, Ndi Nsi na Aja, also Men of Collars who always preach Redemption, all congregate and it happens only South East of the Nation.

Because we are the heart and soul of the Nation, because we carry favor and Flavour of the Nation, because we are the Diamond to be protected, despite the utter and primitive hatred combined against Ndigbo, the Nation Security apparatus must be Moved to East to secure and protect Us, because we are so precious like Diamond. 

Police must line the Roads leading to Igbo land, and we know wherever they have Diamond in display, the amount of Security there can't be compared with what you get in Abbatoir, this gives meaning to Igbo provision and parlance which provides "Onye kpu Igu ka Ewu na Eso". 

In Igbo land today, or say during Yuletide, you will see beauty displayed, you see CARS that are so EXOTIC, a beauty to behold littered the streets of people that were targeted for extinct, but the grace of the Most High sufficed, Juxtapose it with the Magnificent Edifices we call Home, where we live in Seclusion with Addition of Serenity that can only be found in Garden of EDEN. 

Every Clan, every Village, every Town is a Bee hive of Festival in South East, and you think those places where there are acute Dryness and  activities austerity will be happy that the MOON has departed to a particular Tribe, a Tribe disdained and faced with extreme Prejudice?. 

Don't expect them to rejoice with you, but be rest assured that Okirikiri ka Ana agba Ukwu Ose... 

Which brings me to the cry and lamentation of our people, I have read where they cried that "IGBO TRANSPORTERS ARE SHYLOCK", because they have astronomical increase on Transport Fares. 

So come with me let's look at it from informed Prism. 

During RAMADAN, the Northern Fruit sellers, especially those that sale articles needed to end Fasting will increase the price of Orange, from 6 for 100 Naira to 3 for Hundred Naira and same with every other thing they sale, the ones that has high demand. 

Some said the Northern Transporters don't increase fare, just read my Lips... 

How many of their people know actually where they have family house?. 

They don't worry self like us, they believe whereever they live in the North has become home, so where actually do you think they will rush back to?. 

Then most of them that heads North, doesn't ask for HUMMER BUS, AIR CONDITIONED SIENNA or Brazilian Luxurious Buses, they don't argue if it is back of Empty trailer that takes Cow or Ram, that is the difference, for we have always wants to travel in comfort and style. 

Also Note that during this period, more passengers are heading East and Vehicles that Conveyed people to East has to return Empty to enable them take another set home,if they waited to get loaded in the East, that means passengers will be stranded for lack of Vehicle for the Journey. 

So when they go back empty to cause convinent to the passengers East bound, they lost return trip Fares, which should be added to the fare and faith of the Passengers. 

Coming out from the digression.. 


Hear me, my old man will look forlorn and he will say "Ife Amaro ka esi eme ya, ka esi eme ya di" (There is always a way to make impossible Possible). 

The Roads leading to Igbo land are laid with MINES and difficulties. 

Since the Government swore they can never lay Rail tracks that will make Transportation easy and convenient to Igbo land.. Bianu kam bunye unu Uche.. 

The ONUICHA PORT as we speak has been targeted to be obsolete, and they have started building Second Niger Bridge so low that it will bury any plans of making use of the Port. 

So the Rich ones with enough money should start Running FERRY SERVICES from Marina Lagos, Mile 2 to ONUICHA, ENUGWU and other places with Water Channels in IGBO LAND. 
That will be alternative for Trains and Bad roads.. 

We can't be asking for Help from those who benefit from our Woes, those who rejoice on our agonies, they can never wish us well enough to plan on things that will put smile on our faces, nor Joy in our hearts, but we can create our own comfort, joy. 

The reason we are Special is our ability to use Stones thrown at us to build an edifice, the Curses thrown to us we always turn to JUST CAUSE. 

The plots of Disdain, we turn to Display of Exhalation. 

They want us to Mourn, but we must turn it to Celebrations. 

2019 I decree and declare that Greatness, goodness and mercy shall be our portion and those who don't like it, shall eat the Apple of Kwashiokor.. 

Mazi Odera POg JP strolling along UMUERI heading to Anambara HAIRPORT wondering where this Year Christmas Cow will come from..... 

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