Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mid Week Peep on..

Anambara House travel to KIGAWA in RWANDA by Mazi Odera POg JP.

Ana akukwo aka ebea?.. Hurrah,our entire House of Assembly travel to KIGALI the Capital of Rwanda for retreat and or recreation.

Where is that Nwoke Mkponani?. 

Unleash barrage of Gun salute in appreciation and happiness,na finally we have found the missing sense.

Mallam roast us SUYA on sizeable Chunk,, garnish same with Garlic, Onion, pepper and Nzu to help and reset our senses.

Where are that Man who Tap the best Palm wine in Umuawulu? Bring us fermented gallons of ezigbo Nkwu, we are in festive Mood. 

I know we remember Rwanda, that Nation where they roast Human like SUYA, where Ethnic Bias turned to Ethnic wipe out. 

Where wickedness reared its head like it did in Biafra from 1967 to 1970.
When Blood letting seems a Price to Souls of the Oppressors, when the Oppressed cried and ask "Chim inozikwo omee?".

Nigeria performed the same Ethnic Surgical exorcism, wickedness displayed in high places without asking our Souls what next after decimating those that  did you no harm whatsoever.

Just for the record... 
The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi, was a mass slaughter of Tutsi, Twa, and moderate Hutu in Rwanda, which took place between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War. Most historians agree that a genocide against the Tutsi had been planned for at least a year. 
Deaths: 500,000–1,074,017 killed
Period: 7 April 1994 – July 1994
Perpetrators: Hutu-led government, Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi militias, Hutu neighbours
Location: Rwanda

The Rwandan Genocide lasted 3 months, but ours lasted for 3 years.. 
They lost about 1 million, while we lost over 25 Million Children, no need counting Adults. 

But the sad comparison ends here, because they picked up their pieces after the orge, they came together and started rebuilding a Nation, but here in Nigeria, we simply got overwhelmed with the blood wasted, so till now we still run around with our heads inside our Anus and we do that without shame or iota of regret... 

While they waste human lives they saw the need to come together and rebuild a Nation, like others or not, they didn't create self or locate self next to you, it was divine arrangement which none of us can do anything about, after all, nobody choose where he or she will be born, we came into life as arranged by powers beyond our reach. 

The Rwandan saw the Teachnological abilities inherent in Tutsi,s and once the orge ended, they allowed the Genuises to take over and heal the Land. 

Today they manufacture PHONES, CARS, PLANES and anything you can think off.... 

Meanwhile even during the Hostile suffocation of Biafrans, we were able to Manufacture things that made the World to fear the risen of AFRICAN SUPER POWER which made them to aid Nigeria to slaughter us the more. 

While they slaughter us, we use PICK UP VAN'S to fabricate Armoured TANKS. 
Fabricate the first GUN that Bested AK 47 with precision Bullets. 
We refined Oil under makeshift mobile vehicles, moving it from Point A to B, because British Pilots flying Nigeria Airforce were Bent on destroying everything that is not STONE in Biafra... 

50 years after the frenzy, the Nation can't process, talk less of refining Same Crude and It never occurr to them that handing or incorporating those who executed the feat under prejudice will do it better under peaceful atmosphere. 

Rwanda is doing great after the War, but Biafrans did greater during the Genocide which made a French General to shout "If Biafrans are allowed to succeed they will colonize the World in no time, making them Black lords"...coming out of digression.. 

Back to Ndi Anambara house Travelling to Rwanda for retreat... So many things got me thinking..

What are the reasons of traveling to Rwanda, have we also changed our scope and land mass that We have copted Rwanda or they have annexed us?.
Kedu nke Udene na Barber? 

Our Legislators should have their Retreat in Anambara state, where they will breath the same air that will remind them how the People who voted them in error felt.

What is wrong with our Legislators having Retreat in our own HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY, AGULU LAKE HOTEL, COSMILLA, OR make a Tent at our UMUERI AIRPORT,just to show commitment and solidarity with the feeling of the masses.

My old man will say "eji Ina niyi nkea eme gini?". 

No, they are so precious that they have to travel to Rwanda, a nation that bested us with 50 years, so advanced that we can't ape them... 

What stopped our Legislators from even going to INNOSON Plant and be affected with Spirit of Success, and or any place in the state and hold a retreat, just to show that they feel the pains like we do and that they are ready to learn and improve?. 

DEAR Mpa Nnukwu, I know we are sinners and you must have decided to punish us with all this focus less leaders, but consider some of us who tries to live right and those who can't tell their left from right. 
Kindly remove the stones inside the heads of our leaders and add some sense into it, they really need functional senses. 

I can bet us that this travel is a huge jamboree, they can't come back and learn how to patronize made in Anambara, as it is in RWANDA.

They will come back with luggages filled with made in RWANDA, and the worst is that most of this IDJIOTS Youths with education, without educa Uche will applaud them, and we think we have future?.. 

This is where my Mum would look at somebody who has messed up badly and she will conclude with "Ofancha".. Once she say this, just know that your case is insolvent. 

Anambara is the Heart and Soul of Alaigbo, we should lead by example, we should shine the light, we should set pace... 

Going go Kigali is a wasted effort that needs Deliverance.

Our Governor just came back from Vacation and Papalknight conferment(I am tired of that angle), the welcome that is due for him is for the entire house of Assembly to Voom off to KIGALI!!!.

This are Men and Women whose state is on Fire, everyday in Anambara state, there must be Inferno ravaging the land...

Not once have this house visited any of the gory sights, to them it doesn't matter, may be because it is not election period. 

They have not met the able men of our Fire Departments who can't eat Dinner or lunch with the Families without call to duty somewhere to fight fire or prevent one... I can tell thaf most of them have not Climbed the Wife for Months, because while negotiating, another call to come and quench fire will come as usual.. Yet the house are yet to identify with them. 

If they have the kind of Soul found in RWANDA, they would've joined the mourners to Mourn. 

They should be at every place we have such ugly expirience, but not this house that travel to Rwanda.

Onye be ya na agba oku adighi achu Oke, but here in Anambra our house is on fire and our law makers jet out to RWANDA, not even through our HAIRPORT. 

These Men should have held the Governor in a close door meetings, day in day out and tries all they can to snatch some semblance of dividends for the masses, instead they take the ones available and export selves to KIGALI.. 

How did we get to this insensitive position?.. 
If the house that should be having marathon meeting with the Governor on how to drive this state out of the present Potopoto into a place of comfort, found Solace in Kigali, it means na Ukwa Ana api, na Mkpuru adiro ya and instead for Odumeje and all those native Doctors to be flexing on who shall raise the dead to show powers, can somebody close to them beg them go come out as a a team which they are and use whatever Ofo they have and drive sense into our leaders or febe fa aju everyday, until they resign or get sense? 

Mazi Odera POg JP with hands Akimbo wondering why we continue getting it wrong all the time?. 

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