Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Morning..

Son Checking in with Mpa Nnukwu on a Sunday supplication written by Last Born.

Ututu Oma Mpa Nnukwu, as you are the Air we breath, the Song we sang, the Base we uses as Pillar, the one who wasn't created nor Formed, the Alpha, also Omega, the first and the Last, the Omni, ever present, the one whose Words can't be belittled because the power of creation and creativity is within your words, Oputaobie Nke mbu na Nke Ikpeazu, I come today as your Last Born who you Love even though I am stubborn, but you have never forsaken me nor refused me audience. 

As you know, they have not born He or She that will ask you "How are you?", because you are You and that puts a Full Stop to it, as there is no argument about your Divinity, you are God by yourself. 

You do not need Vote to retain self, you don't need applause to remain Mpa Nnukwu , Technologies works only on Earth to you it's like a child building Paper Kite and thinking he has arrived.

I just want to thank you for humbling the World, reducing Technology to pitiable idiocy, as people read the Bible and assume that Tower of Babel may be a Fable where you confused the language and put them out of desperation, today you have set another land mark act like that of Babel where you insert confusion within those who call and see self as First World. 

The self acclaimed Global Powers and the Devil of Far East that wants to topple them, so they can show the World that Satan is a learner, both of them may have started this conspiracy of building Corona to depopulate Black people but you changed the program and timing, you made reversal to it and it started from the Red Devil Nation and it spread to those Nations who are Technological savvy, they are not ready because they are still trying to get the Antidote working, they tried it first in Africa with HIV, EBOLA and many other Virus and things they hoped will eradicate Blacks, but they never ask why you created black and the importance of the Race, they don't know that what we lack in Technology is what we have as immunity from impunity. 

The Corona they built, a tiny virus that it's potency is not as wild as EBOLA but it brought the world to her knees, especially the Developed world.
Only you can make a Mountain out of Mole because you are God and with Powers that can't be challenged or downsized. 

Mpa they are  worried and baffled that the disease refused to besiege Africa, they don't know that Blood is thicker than water, that we have things stronger and deadlier than Corona, which will Flog Corona if she ever wanted to come and colonize us despite the fact that we have neighbors that is greater.

I thank you that those of us who believe they can export what should be used to make life manageable to us, but they move them to Developed Nations, places that never need your wealth, though the nations are acutely wicked, if not they won't allow African Looters deposit the Patrimony of the oppressed in thier banks, which is part 2 of the Slave trade, this time our leaders are the ones who became the Slave driver.

Thanks for allowing those slave drivers in Africa to be the ones affected by the affliction, they ask for it, they refused to use what we have and build a future, they have thier base and Hope with the West, so they have inheritance with them, therefore they inherit the portion of thier Sickness.. 

They refused to build us Hospitals nor health center, so the nemesis is that they don't have a place to be admitted now they are sick. 

Now somebody who humiliate us just to show his powers that are unlimited, who enslaved us, who despise us and who hated us with perfect hatred has gone to meet thier Master who live far away from you in another divide and my own people wants me to mourn or show concern as if Israelite shed Tear at the death of Goliath!!!.

Mpa, as you are passing judgment on the leaches that destroy humanity, kindly remember Towns in Africa and using Alaigbo as focal point and Oka ETITI as Test case.

There are people who believe they are now tiny gods, they believe the powers to decide our fate lies with them. 

They believe they have the Powers to decide who rides and who dies. 
They believe if you are not with them they Main and make you miserable... 

Dear Mpa, kindly rise in Anger as they are trying to wrestle the power of God from you, give them Ono na Ani ahu EGBE, give them terminal and external disease, make them Lame and dumb unless they all step away from tormenting the peace and growth of the Town. 

As your last Born, my place, my Town will never become devils play ground again, I also bring so many towns In Alaigbo into your hand, many have Maggots that held the town to bondage, I ask of one thing.. 

Just give them all something more deadly than Corona, so they will know the powers they have are powerless and useless... 

Same way you remove Maggots, so that good ones can take over, is same way you should clean our places and all will go with Corona and when we are done, that will bring a new dawn. 

Mpa Nnukwu, I submit my supplication with a bended knees. 

Yours Last Born Mazi Odera POg JP. 

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