Tuesday, March 21, 2023



Good Morning all my former comrades,I witnessed by Visuals many of you tearing your useless Citizenship of Nigeria,meaning you are no longer a Nigerian and can't interfere in matters of the Nation,just as you ostracize self from Umunna ,you have no opinion and stake with them .

Read my lips ,the result is same as NO ERECTION,NO CENSUS,(Those that come out will Hold the Election and declare self winners..No Census and they give you the low number they desire ,you continue to be Minority even when you are Majority,you can change tactics especially on CENSUS,making sure you are counted in ALAIGBO or that the papers provide where you come from ,so that your number will be correctly added to that Ethnic group)

Therefore,I as a strong NIGERIAN,I beg you to gifted to me all your Houses or properties with documents bearing NIGERIA and named you as a NIGERIAN,I will give you some Charity in return.

Also send me you ATM Card let me withdrew all the Useless Nigerian Money you have in the Useless Bank because we need the money to fight the Injustice,I don't run away from injustice,I confront it heads on ,same way I confront many issues that rises everyday on this One week,one trouble Nation .

In Nigeria,you will buy a Plane ticket and they will screw you hard ,they will change the timing without care,they change the date even, they frustrate the Hell out of you and if like members of the Passport tearing syndicate,I know you will tear the Ticket and the airline will smile and sale that seat to another passenger who will wait and bid time , meaning you did not score a point,but if you kwechiri on the counter waving your ticket as victim and balling your fist,they will be panicking of what is coming NEXT, but once you tear your ticket,it become a problem solved by itself.

If you are resident in Nigeria and maybe they refused you Visa or your Passport has expired and you joined the TEARING Syndicate,just know that whenever you want another Passport that you need a Bail Bond Man because that is property of Federal republic and they have the TEARING on SOCIAL MEDIA as you provided and it will serve as evidence against you.

Don't forget that you have abandoned your families in Nigeria in the Hell you should've fought but you took the alternate way out and living yours behind , but woes should be if your own wife and children are still in Nigeria and you tear them apart with the Passport theatrics,how will you ever come back to meet them?.

Maybe you have another Country Citizenship but that makes you a second class squatter.

To those who are also repulsed by the INEC despicable act,you can help NIGERIA and let's continue treatment,same way when our Cars are faulty and we tried repairing it and it failed,we keep trying other methods with external mechanics ,same way we have being trying to steer this Nation alright and the profiteering groups are fighting back with all tricks,we can't let them win which is what they are planning.

Once we show them the weakness is us ,you know we gave them permission to screw us the way they want,but show them that we have seen 99 that 2 doesn't fear us ,they will be in conclave planning against our plans.

Personally I have this idealogy different from that which provides "ojide ife Nwata welie aka enu,aka robe ya ,owetue,Nwata ewelukwa ife ya "(When oppressor take away a child's stuff and place it high above the child ,when the hand become weary or weak ,he will bring it down for the Child to reposses),rather I am the Child that if you take away my stuff,I will be pissing on your shoes, dragging your trouser from CENTER place or call it Zipper or Nadike Ogbogu, then you will be forced to bring down your hand to cover important mission,then what you take from me ,you will shove down into my hand with abeg.

If you sincerely wants to use tearing of Nigerian Bonds to make statement..just start tearing your ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE,LANDED PROPERTY CERTIFICATE, BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE,SHARES CERTIFICATES, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE and let's see if that idiotic ploys won't leave you at once.
Tearing useless expired documents doesn't fly..

Lastly,you can all start by giving the children of those Skunks Hell abroad,tearing the parents slap whenever you see them over seas,picking their pockets when found ,making them uncomfortable OVERSEAS,so they will know that NIGERIA has tentacles and can mutate.

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East.

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