Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 IN A TIME LIKE THIS IN ALAIGBO written by Mkpisi. 

"For the wicked carry us away in Captivity, require of us a Song, how can we sing the Lord's in a strange land ?."

We cried sorrowfully that Nigeria happened to us, that they marginalized Ndigbo from the Caliphate, Which is the Stories our POLITICAL heartless Society wants us to believe, just like religion want us to believe that our Pains and misery are result of ancestral commission and commission, When they hobnobbed with our looters who rape our PATRIMONY with impunity and our Future are made desolate because the Men we send on leadership mission turned brutal, they became the Predator and we become the PREY. 

Somebody should stop telling me about how the North tried to invade us, bamboozle us, ruin us and short changing Alaigbo, the lies are antiquated, the question is how about our ALLOCATIONS ,was any of them diminished? 

 if they had used our allocation to do right by us ,we should have a place so beautiful that we shall become the cynosure of eyes,but they diverted our monies and we celebrated them with pomp and pagentaries as Ndi Odogwu instead of Ndi oshi.

The FEDERAL Government gave us merited ALLOCATION, even if they have more states or allocation, but the ones given to us what are the resultant effect on our side or life ?. Did we use same to better our lots ?

All state Governors including Professors who we think would've known the difference in Government, refused to do the needful by providing Governance meant for redemption of the State, they keep on pilling MONIES, money we know that one day not far from now , one may answer the call of Divinity and the massive Money you hide away from reach of every one shall fretter away, the ones that are traceable shall be ceded to your wife and Children who shall climb the Money pile and mash it like Palm Oil Nuts,the rest will go into the hand of idjiots who manage the loot.

We agree the North populated government with inept products and personnels, but what do we have in igbo land? ,do we show them the standard that is required or we play worse than they did?.

Do we place the right Peg into the right Hole? we simply turn our future to Political duru kam duru, raiders simply brought Kinsmen who are not qualified to man the gate or factory and hand them giant instruments of making the state viable, you can't plant Stone and expect Okra,you gave Job meant for professional to iti mpataka ,just except failure as result.

Placing unqualified on a job is not to better the place but to steal as much as he or she can and render the place Void ,Making the choice of Awusa a better evil.

So what then is the difference between the attitude of the Normadic tribe and we that beat our Chest as standard package?.

 The North can be exonerated owing to the fact that they had lower expose to things of life , but how about us that are qualified in all manners, have we shown by the setting and remodeling of our place the capacity to be TRUSTED out there?. 

In the East, but let me say in Anambara my State, they coined a Demonic standard of Zoning and even the well read supported same with full chest and the argument is, every Governor that came in should develop his zone and it should be rotating round.

How about AKPOKUE that did not actually benefit the Northern side of the state during his tenure and build only his Town, even UMUERI the neighbors did no see iota of Government patronage? was that the representation the North desire? .

All the River line Places are abandoned without hope, not even considered for tomorrow plans.

How about towns bonded as North , demarctaed by Rivers and have never tasted the goodies of life, who shall stand for them ?.

 You see Zonal Governance is same thing with BORN to Rule and Born to Forget the Cosmetics cladding around it, Zoning is Evil.

Okay Prof Soludo is now busy doing AGUATA and moving all head of parastatals to same people, then he also turn his own ISUOFIA Town as DUBAI and intending to turn AGUATA to TAIWAN, and ABANDONED every other towns even in the South, such as Nnewi and the environs became an apology.

 when will it reached the turns of such people or you think they forbid good roads?. 

I hate zoning with passion because we cried against it from the Feds, but we can't deteste it out there and practice same down in our Hamlet and think that Karma is not awake. 

If truly, it's right to Zone, so that whosoever come to Power should develope his side, not withstanding that it's Lopsided even in the zone, then we should enjoy the North developing the North with collation of our Funds, same way Zonal mischiefs developes each leaders town with State collective patrimonies, we should stop shouting or Moaning Chukwu akpó anyi óku, what we plan is what is plotted as our Portion. 

Zoning should be REDUCED to Towns, Each town should bring Governor at interval as in enye ndi LOCAL Government aaa ,enye another next Tenure ,then Denomination and Gender  shall take turn as well , so we can rubbish the Centrifugal process.

If we believe Zoning empowers us , we should shut up about Ndi Awusa, when it get to our turn even in dream, we then develop our place back in the East. 

Don't ever think they are developing the North with proceeds from the East, because Obiano and Soludo developed their towns only with allocations due to ANMABRA, not that they use personal Funds, while the people got amused with pennies. 

I won't talk today about DENOMINATIONAL HAZARDOUS Politicking, which is more dangerous than Muslims leading us from Feds, because we are worse than Islam, even as we speak some bishops na epioghari from State House to state house seeking clandestine meetings with Governors just to attach self into the making of Next Governor, yet we refuse to see Islamic leaders doesn't chase down leaders, rather leaders goes to them, yet we think we are better off . 

Imagine ordinary Local Government election held in my state, we can't show standard, we show how wild we are by not Rigging but broad day Robbing the electorate, tell me who gave us the temerity to expect free and fair election when the feds wants to conduct her own version? 

We Rigged election that will benefit us at Grassroot, honestly if they give us FEDERAL elections we will be worse than all INEC that has worked in this Nation. 

We are a disgrace as people, even some people I though have sense joined the election held in Anambra without result sheets, the question is why can't you reign or pull your vest and tell them that you won't be part of the ABORMINATION?. 

Now i can say with happiness that , all of us deserve more cruel Guber election, and I wish APC should write the Result at Abuja without wasting time coming down to pretend they conducted election, if our ELDERS refuse to come out and call APGA out to kpua aru for this sardonic act confused for rigging LGA ELECTION, we all should also shut up when INEC should do same to us using same yard stick. 

Have your independent day the way you like it,as for me Alaigbo is in shackles and nothing to celebrate.

i am Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa and i come as usual to tell us that we are Bunch of hypocrites . 

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