Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Sermon..

Mkpisi takes CORONAVIRUS case to Mpa Nnukwu report filled by Mazi Odera POg JP.

The whole Earth was in confusion, the first world was in Quarantine, the second World which I don't know where they are or who they are is yet to show face, the third World is at the mercy of Ngworo and the snake, there was a time, mgbe Uzo di na Ukwu Ukwa (When there was a Pathway under Breadfruit tree), one Cripple called Uzonna was crawling a Village path that was treacherous and slippery, after he managed to negotiate up a curve and was sweating like Christmas GOAT, suddenly a Cobra rise in front of him and his fangs raised, the Cripple looked at the Cobra and say with Subtle voice "Choose the part of me that you favored, bite it and move on let me die in peace", well it is not my duty to tell us what was the result because I digress.

As we were laughing and hifiving that our weather defiled Corona and our Idiotic Minister for health challenging the Virus that reside in China, our Health Minister was shouting that "We are ready for Corona", well Corona honored the invite and Ohu na Ogodo bido kebe Nsi.

Tryly Mmiri juru Awo onu the moment even the Bishops, G. O, Evangelist Men, agreed that Prayers doesn't have a role to play with combating the Virus, anyway was there anytime they agreed that Angels and God is working?..

If they have reverence for God, they should have accepted the work of working to enter heaven but instead they prefer working to enrich self, make so much money with catalogue of lies they fabricated as testimonies, fear they created and stole from the weak shrouded as Tithe, the selling of blessings, and after all that, the fear of God slapping them made many to move around with Armed Men to protect them incase Angels wants to spank them. 

The Church accepted that instead for Men to run into Church as fortress and insurance against CORO, they said to Government let's close down Church or reduce same to 50 and men with empty brain applauded, they forgot that we don't have anything to help us, we don't have hope of surviving and Nigeria as a Nation is Hopeless, so the only LAST CARD before CHECK UP is the Church where you believe that at least there must be difference. 

They reduced the Church to 50 per sitting, they forgot that most Buses carry over 60 passengers and compressed where they brush at each other and inhale carbon dioxide of each other. 

They forgot that Army Barracks has more population than most Giant  Churches, yet they did not close those places. 

How about markets?.. They can't close it because they generate fund from it while that of church goes to Pastors, but I digress..

So after watching the whole sorry situation, I said enough, let me take the case to Mpa Nnukwu who art in Heaven, he is the only person that can make meaning of any intervention. 

As I knock on his Door and silence everywhere, I called out.. Mpa Nnukwu and not even a whimper.. I shouted again MPA NNUKWU OOOOOOOOOOO, nkiti kpo kpo, as I move back to use my elbow and badge the door, he said in my ear, if you try it this time, I will give you Divine knock,  I smiled because I know how his knock sounds.. 

When you hear knock you will think it is just Koi.. But that is more like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Mpa Nnukwu did not know how powerful his smile is, that his smile break nation and his wrath makes one to wish it was Earth quake.

So I quietly enter his presence, drag out his Chair which I have taking as mine (He is tired of telling me to leave that Chair alone for him, the last time he discussed it with Elijah, the prophet remind him that last Borns are always that way, and that he doesn't want to get involve in family affairs) i sat quietly, he pretended he didn't notice me because he knew what I came for and that I don't need egging to speak my mind. 

I started by saying Mpa, do you actually want to mebie Uwa?.. 

He relaxed, turn round and look me in the eyes and say "The World has grown so much Balls that they don't have respect for me again.. I say to them respect me but they said.. 
NO WAY, they respect science and Technology..

 I say worship me and they say NO WAY, they worship Money, wealth, class and they have allegiance to thrifty things....

I created Human to live as one but they built a class barrier, thereby making one first World and another lesser world. 
They think that things bad should go to Africa, while they have ultimate solution, so let them have this one as a taste. 

Because they trust in thier creation and technology, I decided igbanyere fa Film, just a small one and none of the Technology withstand it, well My Son "Atuanya" don't beg me to have mercy because I have not started erasing the line on the sand. 

As Mpa Nnukwu were talking,I noticed that he has a Scissors by his side and I noticed that he removed one  beard from his Golden sparkling Beard, then I ask Mpa Nnukwu are we safe this one I saw Aguba near you?.. 

He smiled and say that humanity is making him feeling like shaving off some of his beard, and I shouted and tremble with fear because he was angry and remove one Hair from his beard, and drop it in China we have GLOBAL epidemic called Corona, imagine if he shave his beard and drop same, nyabu na Uwa agwugo (That ends the World). 

Today the principal of life are buried, men sleep with men, women with women and not even the preachers preach against it, instead they prefer to preach about mercy and wealth... They refuse to educate Children and teach them ways of life, that same children will inherit this sorry world.. 

I get off from the Chair and sat at his Lap, he smiled and say, what do you want to beg?.. 

I said Mpa, you know we in Nigeria are already living in Hell, would you allow your wrath to visit it even when the Developed Nation can't stand it?.. Why not have mercy on us?. 

He said, I gave those with Science that Coro, I did not want it to near you but there is no way one can Hobnob with Faeces without having his hands smear by it, the little you got is the one you went to those people that I afflicted and tap from it. 

Because of the Indignant believe of the West that they don't need me is why I let them know that they always need me, I restraint from giving to your place of residence because some of you still pray and ask for mercy, but I looked around.. 

Let me ask you Mkpisi, can you say with your mouth that the Preachers are preaching or praying today? Or they are harvesting fund for future well being of self and family? 

How many Bishops, General Overseers have trust on me?.. They despise my words and replace same with theirs. 

They resent Angels and employ Mobile Police with Gun. 

They rejected Holy Ghost and his directions and follow sorcerers. 

Many don't pray in the name of Father, they have made self Icon of Faith that the followers now build thier trust around them instead of on me. 

Mkpisi tell me why I will have mercy?.. I was scratching my head to get answer but it was elusive. 

Mpa said, you are here asking me for mercy, have you looked in the Church Today? 

Today being Sunday where everybody would've gathered and cry unto me, but the occultic leaders agreed that salvation is no longer in the Church, they lost confidence in me and place it on Nothing as they don't have hope even in the Government or system and now they refused to come and seek my face. 

So can one answer those who do not call him?.. 

Last Born, leave this people agam etifa nmanwu,that was when I noticed the Prototype that is on the Table, and I peek inside, it was recreation of another Humans for anther planet and that sent shivers down my spine. 

As I wanted to cry out in pains he touched my shoulder and I woke up.. 

Brethren, Mpa Nnukwu is not smiling, he doesn't even want us to repent, rather he wants us to perish and I am done pleading for his mercy. 

If we like, let's stop praying and stop church all together, if we perish today, I am going home to my father and don't ask me to plead your case because I will help and flog you into Hell without even trial. 

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