Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tuesday Whisper..

Grand benefits from CORONAVIRUS by Mazi Odera POg JP.

Good Morning Jesus, Good Morning Mpa Nnukwu, I bring you thanks for this Virus, even though it shakes and create fears but finally I was able to chronicle the advantage and I knew that it Cure us than it killed us.. 

Imagine our President did not Travel, something that has never been heard before now meaning he can do without those expensive travel and that is a plus to know. 

Our Governors suddenly stayed back in Nigeria and in fear, most of them cut down the Convoy menace because they fear for Contamination and the Quarantine, a thing that want possible prior.

The Ministers hide thier Passports and never yearn to move out of our nation that is in shambles(It use to irritate them and nauseat them) to places where other Ministers build and it make sense to our senseless ministers and leaders. 

No Senator travels for Medical check up, not even members of House of Representatives remembered all the ailments that can only be treated in Germany, London or USA, they suddenly will enjoy with us the substandard hospitals they refused to rehabilitate,what a relief. 

Nke towalum nti bu na the Daughter of the President is in Quarantine or self isolation, meaning the retinue of aids and Guards will have some rest and makes meaning to "EAST OR WEST, NO PLACE LIKE HOME" . 

Then the Son of ATIKU was in Gwagwalada General Hospital, a place we know that if not for Coro, nothing on earth Will make him to visit even a friend there, but now he is lying down there and all the bed bugs and roaches will pay him courtesy visit. 

Hmmmm our General Overseers that can't do with weekly theatrics at the Alter  where they will ramble for hours but can't ask you how prepared you are to meet the Lord, instead they will Echo the benefits of giving to them and not how they will give out, just like the missionaries that brought mission to us gave thier all including education,  good health... 

Ours has only a mission, to milk the congregation dry,by so doing they live in thier heaven here on earth, while the members lives in Hell making me to wonder if they actually believe there is Heaven and Hell after life.

The Church mega leaders lost confidence in God that they whispered to Authority to Quarantine churches to avoid them catching the Flu and Billions they made will be left behind, and I was watching to see any G. O donate money to help in any kind toward the Quarantined or the battling of the Flu or sponsoring Prayers to wrestle it down.

In a situation like this, I expected those Men that call selves GOD'S GENERALS to stand in the Gap, bring all the Long Cap wearing Bishops, non denominational, together  they should wear ordinary TShirt because the Agbada they wear makes them to see self as Mini God, they wear casual and organize prayer Chains themselves begging Mpa Nnukwu to have mercy, but none of them wants to plead because they are scared of the filth they carry which will provoke God and make him unleash his anger on them. 

I am also happy that so far the Flu are for those who traveled Overseas, they are the carrier, had it been it is for peasants the Government would not worry, as we speak those whose family are overseas are sleeping less than we who live in this Nation in Limbo because they fear for thier lives and that of the Family living in Quarantine. 

We noticed also that Terrorism seems to have evaporated because they see the real terror and not even Kidnappers wants to Kidnap for the Fear that they may grab CORONA,the fear of CORONAVIRUS is now Supreme. 

Suddenly Bombs stopped exploding even Highway Demons ran away and accidents reduced. 

Imagine the Police are not in a Hurry to arrest or molest people because the Fear of Coro is real. 

If only our Government should learn with this and build up our Hospitals, health Centers and start building back our nation. 

Coronavirus suppose to teach us lesson the same way BIAFRAN GENOCIDE taught many Ndigbo lesson, then we build our lives in other places, not even a Tent in the Village, but when the Hostility became unbearable, one has go ran back home and reality hit them like Thunderbolt for they don't have a Nest to rest the head, so after the Genocide we build up a place and no December you will not see True sons and daughters traveling home to fraternize. 

Thank God for this Rain that fell today in Lagos to wash away the Coro from General Population, but I appeal that the rich should get more scare from it, so they can fear God.

In fairness, I say thank you God for humbling nations, making Science to look Daft and making the High and Might to stay isolated. 

May your name be praised, I appeal that the status quo of the Coro shall remain until it is washed away for real. 

I remain the Last Born of Mpa Nnukwu Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi na ede with precision. 
Wishing us Happy Quarantine. 

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