Thursday, February 27, 2025

 THE ACTUAL WORTH OF MONEY and ACQUISITION OF WEALTH,the Symphony and Sympathy written by Mkpisi.

We strive to make Money and amass wealth in life ,so we can be feared by generation we are into and beyond .

So people can look at us and tremble with Awe how we Command respect of Mortal, scare the gods and how laws are twisted to favor us as Men of means ,we forgot that nani óru anyi ka aga Eji cheta anyi .

We wander the Earth in our midlife as Predators with Address, mostly as  Ezeonyeagwanam because we allude to the saying that provides "onye nwelu ego na eme ife sólu ya " ,then we forgot that it last but a short time, forgetting that life a fleeting illusion,the highest you can prance about with control of the Wealth is at age 70 , after that ,life will conspire to teach you lesson in triple copies with Hard Cover ,your heart will need some kick starting every morning because you have taking enough prohibit which forces the heart to remonstrate.

You don't worry about your acquaintances,you worry about loneliness and regrets.

Your kidney will need special therapy to egg it on, because the combination of Chemicals we drank as wine are revolting as they have you at  her Mercy and we know tampering justice with mercy doesn't matter when Health wants to trash us.

Your head will survive with daily swallowing of Pills ,you live on drugs and absolute caring,if you are lucky,if you are not lucky even your wife and Children will be Overseas waiting for your funeral , though you Labour to give them good life ,but they must abandon you to continue living the Eureka.

The main reason your life will be in quagmire if your Children were relocated Overseas for a better life is because you denied them the true essence of life which include having the test of own home, than sending them away into exile shrouded as migration,as it is certain they will abandon you at old age just to enjoy the life you crafted for them ,fa adiró asi ndo, though naturally the wife will align the Children and left you to start fending for self at that very old age ,as if na imutaró Nwa and inweró Nwanyi,then you will be too weak to regret your struggles to alleviate your family,but just know that ,the way you lay your bed ,is same way you sleep on it. You send them out of reach and they will remain out of Touch.

Make the world bed of roses for family,it takes grace to make any of them remember the Price you paid with your Youth as they will struggle to make your old age Torn of torments.

If you want to enjoy your old age ,invest on families that need help even when not related, extend helping hands to many Children,they won't count it as entitlement but a privilege from benevolent mind and they will be glad to reciprocate when you needed shoulder to lay on.

You see this money we are struggling to amass ? At certain age it will become a bore,and the families we dedicated our days to better will abandon us ,we simply need to abide with the philosophy of Goat that chew Chord but with reservation packed in his mouth for later munching.

Last but never the least,if your Children are all studying overseas,just know na Igba aka Nwa ,and don't forget your wife will join them and they won't even allow you to marry a helper,they will be worried about your Estate that they will inherit at your demise,but never about your comfort and taking good care of you.

Thank God it's Friday and thank God sanity is returning to my State and Alaigbo in general.

Mkpisi is the Job, Dibia ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa is the designation,Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka is the assurance.

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