Tuesday, February 11, 2025

 ANAMBRA SECURITY situation Report,the DYNAMICS written by Mkpisi.

Since we the Voice of the Oppressed started chanting for redemption and craving for Secured State where we can Sleep with our eyes Shut,we finally got a pacifying effort,though na ófoduru but we have a better optimal.

Anambara was a State In turmoil and after so many desperation shouting, we saw the Government trying to save face and cling the second term that appears elusive.

The security restoration was after APC FRONT LINER DR PAUL CHUKWUMA went to the heart or troubled towns in Ihiala including the Most Notorious and Toxic of them all to Study the Carnage and see the Rascality of the Bullies,he went an assure the people that they can't be living in bondage that Help is coming like Tornado,that was December 2024 ,the incumbent must have seen the silent assurance from that UMUERI BORN Barrister and knowing he will intervene and that will serve as Nail on certain POLITICAL coffin ,and the Government brought into action a group called AGU NA ECHE MBA,a security outfit that came to take back the streets ,villages and towns from the hands of the VANDALS for 3 years running,as if na Mmadu anórozi na Gofment.

The security started with certain mistakes and blunders,but as we speak they have re-established the control and pursuit of the UGM,now the UGM are known as the KNOWN COWARDS who hide under the barrel of the Gun and mete atrocities all over the Land, especially Young Youths without basic education or artisan qualities,they are empty drums that make alarming noises. They simply wanted to have it all without any means of hardwork,they simply fish in another person's fishing basket 🧺.

Today one can drive around the state with some concerns, out of habit,than it was when one has to travel with Ekpere na Abu and or Chaplet,and at every Vehicular approach from behind ,onye obu anyua Nsi na mamiri na Akwa ya. Now ,you can travel with fears that was attached in us for the past 3 years,but you can get to destination in peace.

As we look at present Security Situation of the State,we look at the activities of the SECURITY so they don't become what we dread ,we can say Thumb...But can't add UP yet to the Security Outfit,we need to keep on holding them accountable and watching all moves maka ife agbalu na uzó Erika.

Mkpisi is the JOB and Dibia ónu ike is the Carrier of the message.

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