Monday, February 24, 2025

 IBB BOOK LAUNCH ,the Devil is in the Details written by Mkpisi.

It was a fantastic affair ,it was a promotion of  National reminder of atrocious act meted to a tribe that did no wrong but hated with perfect hatred.

Well he tried to put the record straight especially about the Coup of 1966 which was sponsored by NIGERIAN soldiers who believe that the Government are getting it all wrong and the Majors staged a coup just to install Obafemi Awolowo as the President,which was why he was found comingling and was sentenced to life in prison at CALABAR Prison by Military fiat.

The Coup was planned by junior military boys that were irritated by the centrifugal leadership from Civilians,the Military know it was just a military affairs and has nothing to do with Tribe or Tongue,they kept quiet for oversized jealousy of the Tribe that simply wanted a better Nation and relationship with Comrades, Ndigbo were Extra judiciary slaughtered and the account was buried for life if you ask me .

My worries remains,when did IBB made the discovery? Was he aware of that fact when he was the President or he chested the Truth waiting for his dying days ?

So he knew it wasn't an Igbo coup but did not settle same when he was the Head of State ? Which would've made younger generation know that the stories they heard about Ndigbo are Political Lies and a perfect Bigoted plots which was a continuity of the Ibadan plots,where they planned to annihilate Ndigbo both physically and scripturally,that was how they executed the phases where they used Western dominated and manipulative Print media and Project Ndigbo as the Demons, they had all the Newspaper 馃摪 then and hates to publish any rebuttal from onye Igbo,they think that the world will remain lopsided,thanks to social Media,we can now speak even if it's late but better than Never.

Whereas the monies of the Nation were siphoned by Men from Western Divide and they used the Money to throw 贸wambe parties even in London and majority all weekends in LAGOS,they still believe that getting rid of Ndigbo will give them manipulative chances on the economy of the Nation,an illusion onye Nzuzu.

They twisted the minds of people and made us a living sacrifice and the hatred was so poisonous that it transend generations,which the second stanza was when Awo prodded River state People who are 110% UmuIgbo to confiscate our properties and announce same "Abandoned properties" , I tried to decode the rational of calling properties abandoned ,we left them just to run back home and save our lives ,the Rivers agreed wholeheartedly that they must acquire it and name same Abandoned properties,they forgot the ancestral concession and conclusion that provides "onye isi rachasia udara ozotaru na Ukwu,nya bia z贸lu 贸z贸"( after a blind may have finish the Udara fruit he stepped on accidently, let him or her make another discovery of another Udara lying on the ground,an impossible task ). 

The god's tried to balance the scene as Ndigbo bought back the properties and even more,then gave the usurpers lazy future,but moving on.

Suddenly Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida known as IBB and whose tenure, sorry regime was known as Maradonna,For his Leadership dribbling skill,he will make promises and dribble the Nation effortlessly and with a Gap Toothed smile ,he was so good in dumping lies on us and making us to believe it, he was named Maradonna.

Today at the tale end of his life ,he is telling us what we already know and Truth that will not change the murderous manner the North visited the East and the Tripodal umbrage, telling us the Truth which he refused to tell as the Head of State that would've sound fair and Bold ,I wonder what is his aim as Maradonna because there's always selfish angle to every of his decision.

Some people are shooting Mkp贸nani for his Book ,but the truth is that he played another end of life Maradonna game , imagine the creme la creme of the Nation raising money for his library,which I wonder what will be in that gulag ,sorry library called IBB presidential Library?.

 Why not build the YOUTHS industries and future than having Library that may be a place to study religious Lopsided teaching?

You may celebrate all you want,but just ask your self,was IBB part of the Genocidal outrage of 1967 when they invaded Igbo Land with the prompting that 1966 coup was Igbo Coup despite that fact that it was sponsored from meeting held at Mapo Hall Ibadan,which landed Awo in Treasonable felony charge that gave him life in prison in Calabar ,which Awo begged General Ojukwu to release him from prison, so that he will declare Oduduwa Republic and end the Genocidal outrage.

Which Ojukwu did and when Awo was freed to go back and what he promised on oath,he went straight to Gowon and pledge allegiance and negotiate self into Minister of Finance,a position he held just to antagonize Ndigbo and he carried it out with finesse,as he started the demonic "Starvation is instrument of War" which he stopped Red cross and Carnitas from giving Biafran Children food relief,it get to a Point he confiscated a supply from both and lace them with substance that cause the world only dreaded Kwashiorkor, which killed over 5 million Igbo Kids ,but I wonder where are his own Children today after annihilating our own Children that did him no wrong,well the gods are wise.

After the Genocide, when Gowon said No Victor,no Vanquished " and Awo said Never, that he must Vanquish us with impunity,he stand as Monster of Finance and declared that every Igbo owned Bank account will be entitled to 20 pounds which he called "The Last Supper " with a hope that it can only buy us last Supper ,but little did he know na Mmadu ab煤r贸 Chukwu. Man propose but God disposes.

As he gave us the 20 Pounds soaked with extreme prejudice,he cajoled Gowon to promulgate a decree that anybody found doing Armed robbery will be shot at Stake,he thought that Biafran dismissed soldiers will start Robbery,so he wanted to maximize the Genocide,but the first three Robbery syndicate killed at Stake at Bar Beach LAGOS,started with Oyenusi and his gang, Jisos Oyibo and his Gang and they quickly quash the continual Killing of Robbers because Ndigbo went back to iti Igwe na achaghi acha and we bounce back just like Phoenix. Making me to smile about the name Obumneme,贸bu Chukwu na eme.

Not to waste time regurgitating the Toxic era of Maradonna,may I appeal that his Book should be an indictment and not applause determinator. Let it not just be a book ,let it be an indictment and exonerating guide ,time to apologize to Ndigbo for the lies heaped on them for decades.

Be it as it may ,we don't have onye Igbo in high places that will also write the right and reinventing historical perspective for us ,we age and die and let others continue telling Jaundice cork and Bull just to bamboozle the reading public.

Ndigbo ndonu .

I am Dibia 贸nu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Obele Nwa Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka na 贸nwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority opinion writer na mpaghara anyi.

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