Tuesday, February 11, 2025

 Anambara TERTIARY, REBUILDING A NOTCH ,an appeal from Last Born Mpa Nnukwu.

This Year 2025 bugodi obuchanje in ANAMBRA as we face electioneering in many fronts, ebe óbuna nwelu a Call of new breathe,outside na Anambara South Replacement election which is hanging like Hang Man nooze and many Money Bags who haven't tied a POLITICAL Shoe Race before in life wants to debut and replace A position which that last Occupant pushed to extra challenging height,it became thearic when Oke na Ngwere join the fray, may be they forget na ejiro mgbako Nsi Egbe agbagbu Adaka,maybe they think the Election is for SA to a Senator but a Seat for who is tested and verified on POLITICAL podium,but moving on -

And the Gubernatorial that is coming with Speed and Concerns especially now that the State rejects APGA fashioned Zonal and RELIGIOUS poisoned POLITICS, because it suit a denomination and it keep producing defective Leadership ,it keep giving us Adaka na ónu Enwe but we chest it because it massage our Religious Ego and help to shift it to Zone which many loved but same people hate seeing equality zoned as well, such as making sure na enye ndi Catholic,enye Ndi ANGLICAN,nyekwazie Ndi Pentecostal and Ndi Odinani because once we want to stand on equity we must approach with Crystal hand , imagine APGA that climbed the State house on back of Kokoronko since 2006 and now we are in 2025 yet there's nothing to show for such time wasted, what they do is onye bata orua zelu ideyi kind of road ,Okwabe ikwube or Iyonnenne bridge which before the end of the person's tenure obido hekesiba or have barrier mounted to stop articulate vehicles from using same , another person will come in and start ekworo as if na obu another party took over,there have never been continuity within the party.

Our Schools,I mean TERTIARY are facing trial and tides from left and right ,same sudden madness of zoning crawl into the Void even the Citadel of learning are not showing that they can have it different,they simply want it with the enye ndi ebea, enye Ndi ebea parlance.

We saw how UNIZIK played the political arigolu apiatue as they have used 3 trial, sorry I mean acting VC for the position, they keep wrestling dirty and finally it came to some settlement as they have Prof Ikechebelu back as Acting VC ,but the school kept staying in the News for some wanton reasons ,just like a Student turned her Teeth on a lecturer just because she has a Mother as Senior lecturer ,she also has personal set of Developed brees and undeveloped Sense,she thinks self untouchable no matter what and believe that once she accuse a man of touching her sensitive part ,the Social Media judges will side with her, forgetting that her attitude in school shapes her marital life, as in Africa we trace and we jua ase as requisite for grading Nwanyi ama awa isi ,Miss Goddy Precious Mbakwe who is on her 3rd Year studying History and international Studies went rampage on Dr Chukwudi Okoye,a lecturer of Department of Theatre Arts and Film studies a consumate gentleman who is Sound from Center to circumference,a scenario caught on tape and which present Ndigbo with such Girls as untrained people, outside the fact that the Man is a lecturer, he is Old enough to Father the Girl , which prod many people to talk about lark of Home training on the girl.

With a well mannered girl ,no matter what the man would've done as in this case ,once she saw his age ,she should've come up with good afternoon reaction and add sorry Sire as courtesy, that's evidence of mannered girl , but not for some of this social Media trained,since home didn't train them the most corrupt evolution takes over and gave them garbage in and garbage out ,the problem is that with certain attitude take over as future mothers,we are finished as what they will produce are Chukwu bia mebie uwaaa kind of Children.

We know some Children once they enter school,they think they are world apart ,which means the parents can't be blamed on all things as some of our children swore to become apology to the society.

Well the Nation is watching how the School Senate will manage such rascality, then the school will contend on the rating as they must remember na if they call the school ebe ana ekpofu afifa Ndi ASWAMA will help them and heap lots of garbage at all nooks ,they should know na anyi na agba Enwe ma na erikwa ENWE ,anyi na eme Nwanyi oje be di ,ma mekwa ya ka ónaa from her husbands.

THE INDIGENOUS SCHOOL for Ndi Anambara called ANAMBRA STATE UNIVERSITY,which was Anglicanized to Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University with the acronym COOU , which survived Prof F.u Okafor as the first VC after the school was founded in 2000 ,then Prof Greg Nwakobi took over and gave the school a Purse and good Pulse ,now Prof Omenugha Kate is manning the saddle as Acting VC ,but waiting to appointing VC she is facing a Zonal fierce BATTLE,when they are using Kitchen Sink and Bath up gadgets to fight the appointment,she may have her flaws but the fight seem more on Gender preference and Zonal racheting instead of qualified and suited for the Job.

What we saw so far is that the school is trying to catch some traction as a young institution, there may be expectations that are not yet Aced which would've been a better ground for the choice of the VC and not Centrifugal innuendos ,just to create pity party.

Well ,the school we hope shall grow better and bigger, so that Anambara will fly her head higher and better academically and once they talk about academic sound, they will rate her not just nationally,but African wise.

We are grateful that OKOH POLY has gotten a round peg inserted into a round Hole in her New Register Dr Chioma Irene Awuzie, though we watch them all to know na óbukwo ife ekwulu ka ana eme ,as we no longer allow ka eresi anyi Adaka na ónu ENWE ,we call it as we see it.

I remain Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority opinion writer na mpaghara anyi, Dibia ónu ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Obele Nwa Mpa Nnukwu,Nwa Chukwu ku na Aka na ónwu agaghi egbunwu ya,I come with Rove and not Love.

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