Monday, June 17, 2024


After observing Fathers day , though FATHERS sponsored same Fathers day by selves , same way they sponsor everything that happens around home, Today is another beginning of week and i come with Piss .. Let's move on together and not to spray each other with saliva, all HIDDEN as throwing arguments while it's tantrums we are throwing. 

Ndigbo are determined people before ,but quest for Superiority reduced us to inferiority Sect ,today ana amazi aka which brought the abomination that are happening, today most Boy's kill Girls friends,Boy friends, relationship, parents for money making.

Mothers abandon Family,so they can be called Single or struggling mothers and they cause Children to walk through torn Fields while they would've faired better under Both parent.

Fathers struggling to move into exile get demoralized by results of DNA which is result of the wife waywardness,but Ndigbo agreed ebe nwa si bia Uwa nya biri (Since you married the Mother, wherever comes from her loin is yours by tradition).

Britain colonized us many decades ago , they left but the Colonial rod is still controlling the psych of some Ndigbo, especially the educated ones that are supposed to be the Path finders, but they are the errors and Fault finders. 

i have observed that most nymphs whose parents wasted Money that should've serve better farming, but it was wasted on them, those sect are humiliation to Igbo as a Nation, what they bandied about is Queens English, and if you can't follow them as goat tethered with Ropes of the British, they will start throwing around the idiocy of a caged man which is calling or referring to a Better thinking, better equipped, better positioned as illiterate(Though you are to his level, as he lack upgrade), those band of Ónuku paid more attention to TENSES, SYNTAXES, PARAGRAPHING, CONSTRUCTION of another man's language, they will tell you that he studied English and not Technology, not Security, not IT, never industrialization circuit, as the Brutish won't teach them that as it will emancipate them from the mental Slavery,what he has is the one sided archaic English the Brits upgraded from king james version which they used in writing the Bible. 

An Igbo Ónuku will not know that English has her complications that America left it and develop acceptable means of communication which the Brits and Computer referred to as AMERICAN ENGLISH ,and if AFRICA have recovered from the brain looting, computer would've have African Version which we call Broken English as well. 

Many Downloads on WEB has languages of many tribes,but none with Africa mind, unless developed Nation like RWANDA who moved out of Genocidal War sponsored by COLONIAL Demons and they simply kissed and make Love as one indivisible nation and focus on rebuilding and now they are build,SOUTH AFRICA ..

Those drafted drafts did not know that even in his own language, there are discrepancies making igbo to say Mba na asu na olu na olu (People speak in dialect),you can say .. 

Bia na Ulom , ka anyi rie nri and another Version of same word will say, puta bem ka anyi gbaa azi , while another can be esirim ma hosia bem , in all , the three expression is saying , come and merry in my place, which none is Wrong but expression differs. But when you phrase it to all this BBM (Born by Mistake) they will go livid ,as if  both of you are pursuing same inferiority Trophy 🏆.

just as an Anambara man will need a translator to interpret for him in midst of Ebonyi person,and a Caucasian will tell you that one is right and another is wrong,but because we have complex,we accept such insult. Both are classy in own language and tongue.

Another very simple word is .. where do you hail from ? 

Iwu onye ebe ? ole nga unu ? isi ekpo ole?, kedu ala amu nna gi ?. 

Why most of those inferior Umuigbo who focused more on your ENGLISH masterful submission is because they have twisted brain nerve and need redirection,as they don't have anything to offer ,they submit argument to build bridge the emptiness for them. 

Language is just a way of communication, as long as the person you are communicating can understand,then you both are good. 

it's same act of feeling superior on An Imported language that made a Man look down on brother who is more focused, and when such happens, some people felt inferior, little did they know that , it's not them that are inferior but those Ónuku who concentrated on aceing a borrowed language, they forget that China doesn't care about English, they focus on Technology and they did perfectly well. 

Russia doesn't pay attention to English language both written and oral and they are super power,Chinese are comfortable with own language and it helps them to over develope,

 Norwegian, All Scandinavian don't speak English nor accept it blatant effort to dominate, but Africans who can't even package a drinking water without inputs of imported machines and Cellophane Bags are the ones roving like unbranded Ikwurigba while trying to insult another. 

Just don't allow them push you into believing in superiority of foreign language and belittle your effort in reaching out to your own. 

I am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods. 

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