Sunday, June 9, 2024

 Eradication of Tradition in Anambara state by Insecurity, Burial of Flavours Father a great Pointer by Mkpisi.

The Father of Music Phenom,a talented mastero grown up in Enugwu,but hailed from UMUNZE,a Town bothering Anambara and Abia and rumoured to fall into the latest shredding of Igbo Land , that will bring more dis-affection and distractions,then cause ism and schism , imagine while the nation is tasting severe famine ,while things are getting out of reach of the impoverished,the Government are going out of Centrifugal,either they are planning to spend trillions of borrowed Money on COASTAL SUPER HIGHWAY or they revived Old National ANTHEM which they believe is just and standard but they forgot to bring back matching economic situation of the Old anthem era,where prices of commodities are very much affordable, price or Fuel affordable and Dollars are equal to our own currency. Now they want to Create more states including ORLU STATE as if that will bring any relief from the economic mess that is already flowing all over the states.

The Government and Unions are extremely confused,as LABOUR Union are agitating for salary increase forgetting that once there are increase the requisite pledge that Salaries can't afford Bag of Rice will suffice as the food stuff will swallow any increase.

Instead to demand  bringing down prices of food items and acceptable life style, where take home pay will take everybody home ,they are asking for inanities.

The Condolence of Flavors Father was attended by notable celebrities, including Peter Obi the POLITICAL Hope of Africa, Phyno another Igbo music Lord who knows how to make occasion passionate, Obi Cubana a billionaire with a touche,and Odumeje a fellow musician and entertainer, they all graced the occasion at ENUGWU the safer place to congregate for such occasion without your mind skipping,but a diminish to values of our home state,we now find peace of mind in exile.

Late Pa Benjamin Okoli,was buried in UMUNZE,but owing to insecurities in that Neck of the wood,the proper condolence were shifted to ENUGWU State where it's safer for Visitation and condolence with peace of mind.

 Flavour’s wife, Sandra Okagbue, a former beauty queen was in hand to fete August visitors,which afford many opportunities to know that Flavor is not living his music life,that he is a core onye igbo with Family well protected,many listening to his music have concluded na Ukwu sara mbala may be his life style , but it ain't so.

With this trend of abandoning Towns in ANMABRA state to celebrate or Mourn our death Outside, celebrate occasions and conduct Marital traditions in exile,the gods are not enjoying the vacuum and posterity will delve inn to ask ndi ANAMBRA ife anyi na eme be anyi jiri ghasasia?.

i think it's time the State House of Assembly should rise to address this malaise, as the Governor is not too keen On addressing the abnormality and acute insecurities, especially as UMUNZE, MBOSI, ÓRSUMOGHÚ, ISEKKE, UNUBI ,UKPOR , ÚTÚ, ENUGWU UMUONYIA, EZIRA are all planned and mapped as Red Zone where Government of UGM rules.

Those places are ceded to UGM.

If not that Town PG has gone Political , they all work for interest of Parochial Politics, this would've been time to charge PG and Town VIGILANTES to Man up and secure towns , that will enable security agencies to waltz in and sweep away decays and bring in back peace of mind to towns.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede think so and lamenting , if this trend is not addressed , then we should know na anyi na emezi nkwapu. 

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