Saturday, June 8, 2024


Good Morning SOUTH EAST LEGISLATORS,. Mkpisi na aju.

Bikonu asim kam jua , it's over a year of being inaugurated into legislative chambers, but maybe i am not up-to-date with the delivery of the office, because i observed absolute disconnection between our Legislators and Business in Both Houses.

I haven't seen any scores, no delivery, no legislative score card, no bills passed, no Voices urging better Governance for South East.

I haven't heard any South East legislator present any bill lamenting lack of SEA PORT in ALAIGBO, none have call attention of FEDERAL Government on lack of Federal presence in South East, but an Awusa legislator brought a Bill to incorporate COWS into census as human, though the Senate president over ruled it , but with that promotion, it show he is representing the people of his caliphate.

Why can't SOUTH EAST LEGISLATORS form a United front to demand equality, acceptance of Ndigbo in reality in Annals of the Nation, especially now we have a Southern President and not a Northern one ,also we have Speaker from a cousin Tribe as well.

South East legislatiors did not see how they lined Customs to all route leading to ALAIGBO,just to deny us connection from bringing back Imported goods they denied us by closing operational wharfs that are in close proximity to Alaigbo,they mounted Customs on inland which only can be seen in Nigeria,as for rest of the world Customs are restricted only at borders and Police are on patrols never blocking the roads searching for Youths in bad element caused by lack of Jobs created by bad Governance.

I am talking about Customs and trading because it's our Gods giving talent,and if we don't cry for help ,then help will be at the height laughing,plus , nobody gives you your due until you demand for it with bulgy eyes.

If democracy actually work in Nigeria, I would've raised a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE on SOUTH EAST LEGISLATORS including the House of Representives and SENATORS.

We know that if Democracy doesn't work picketing will be alternative.

Alaigbo is my primary concern,the rest should fight for what is ailing them.

Let it be on NOTICE that this is Remonstration by Mazi Odera that we have MORE OF MORAL VACANCY in Both houses.

I so move and waiting for secondment of the Motion, may be motion for Public recall will be appropriate.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, know as Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya. He hold the DIVINE TRUTH DECANTER and he is using with without prejudice.

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