Monday, June 3, 2024


I thought na Ndigbo are sensible, but with Stiff-necked leaders, sorry i mean looters with Feather (We crown them with adoration) ,we are wasted, thank God that this Generation wasn't what met the Genocidal mission of 1967 to 1970 ,when British hiding under the auspices of COLONIAL demons, aided a Genocide against the Sect that accepted their Version of Religion. 

Don't ever forget that while missionaries of Britain where planting churches,the leeches of Britain were also harvesting the dividend on our soil and land.

They pummeled us from Air with British Airplanes camouflaged with Nigerian colors, and they targeted our Schools, Churches, markets and places where civilians gathered, they truly nuked us , but thanks to the generation of NDIGBO that period, they stood up and give some resistance that brought up the ingenuity of the Tribe that Roared. 

That Generation scared the world that a Russian General said and i quote "Give me a Brigade of Biafran Rag tag Army and i will conquer the world".

That generation manufactured Lethal weapons, they fabricated TANKS which was Modified from 911 trucks and Tipper, they manufactured GUNS and Bullets , they manufactured OGBUNGWE which Americans are imitating, as our Nuke would've made Mess of the one they used at NAGASAKI and HIROSHIMA, but because of the godliness in us , we refused to deploy it as it would've made Nigeria a Past History. 

We refined Petroleum at Back of Moving Tippers and Peugeot Pick Ups ,a move then that was just a primary way of generating Fuel and others,imagine on stable environment what we should have done..even a stationary Refinery is a big deal to Nigeria after 64 years, only if they have co-0pted those genius from this Divide to help and guide this Nation right, NIGERIA would've been giving loans to Rest of the world,but we brought Nsokwu into things and things fall apart and center no longer hold.

Amidst the siege, that generation created INVISIBLE AIRPORT at UGA and create another FARM AIRPORT at ULI and invading AIR FORCE was blind to them all because the generation with sense made it impregnable. 

That Generation manufactured the First World MOBILE Radio station manned by Okoko Ndem and Chukwu Merije and the world was in Awe . 

As the quality bested CNN,BBC, FOX,ALJEZERA put together,it was Top NOTCH.

We have the legends like Silvester Ugo who managed Biafran CENTRAL BANK that it still rank with AMERICAN VERSION, till now that Currency called Biafran pounds still stand tall among currencies. 

Now and today, we have Men grown to Become Yahoo Plus, Ndi Ogwu ego and some of them went as far as ressurating the dreaded Oke Ite that wipes away Generations Unborn, just because we have bunch of Ikwurigbas as parents and leaders. They want to make money the ritual way,they forgot that the road they think they saw Wealth was same Road the brave ran 4;40 from because of the disaster that followed it.

Back in the days , Chief Michael Okpara,Akanu Ibiam  had  Farms dedicated for Farm produce in ALAIGBO., even KOK MBADIWE the Timber and Calibre and Agada gbachiri Uzo was into agriculture also on state level and we have individual farmers and Farm Land where we planted EGUSI, OGIRI, ÓNA, EDE, AGBAKWO, UZIZA, UTAZI, AKIDI, FIOFIO, JI OF VARIOUS KIND, EZIGBOTE UGU and Abúbó nri which some call  Green Vegetable, but today all those local delicacies are going into extinction , not as if we don't have Land to cultivate and plant it again, but our looting leaders are busy designating our PATRIMONY Overseas for the unborn 20 generations to be rich, they forgot that once you provide sustainable sources to any generation they end up as LIABILITY, after all what is the reason to work if not to make money and once that money is available, that's automatic ticket to become Akariogheri. 

Even as our looting leaders are not making effort to bring back Green revolution, individuals are not keen on planting even at rainy season, making ALAIGBO 98% relying on Northern states for what we eat , though we have amnesia but the older generation remembered that it was CARITAS international and Red Cross were smuggling food relief to us during the genocide because the British bombed our Farms, even at the intervention of CARITAS and Red cross , the Feds still find a way to spike the food relief and it Started the dreaded Kwashiorkor. We never allowed our enemies to provide relief or food supply to us,that was then ,not now.

What we need now are leaders who will see agriculture as better alternative than paving roads that will be washed away at small igirigi, while Hunger looms and Famine is glaring.

We need to develop back our senses of getting it right once again. 

i am Dibia Onu Ike, adighi m agbalu Ekperima afa. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the JOB, while Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka is the assurance. 

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