Thursday, June 27, 2019

Time shall tell on..


Good Morning Ndi Ezigbo mmadu, thank God, we have a new dawn and brand new Mercies from the most High. 

Like we know, I am not writing to appease anybody, I don't pen to show Pensmanship and I am not in the business of accolades that will come from mastering English words and phrases. 

I write to correct or give my best in suffocating the ills that predate and prevail our land, though it seems what plague us are Man made, without hope of Redemption, at least not with this Foxed, I don't care attitude of the Oppressed masses.

Not only that the nation is in Limbo,but the agony is that, the Led and the leaders seems comfortable with the Predicament, that seems to be our Comfort Zone, which reminds one of the Executive Loop Hole in Government, especially the unchecked embezzlement and unwarranted Conduits that Suck life out of the Healthy Economy which they made to look like Kwashiokored Economy.

State Governor's have what they tagged SECURITY VOTE which is not open for scrutiny and not meant to be accounted for, so they hide Fraud in plainsight, not even EFCC or ICPC has wherewithal to query the process and route of the heist, once it is shrouded as Security Vote, then nobody can ask how they spend or retire our Patrimony.

It can't, it hasn't and won't happen in other place in the World, we seems to glorify and magnify Aru na Mpu and the worst is that we tolerated such under Tribal Toga, then we added the clownish Clan or Zonal Mastubation, with that whatever wrong you did shall be swept under Zonal protection or it creates wrangling that creates Divide, the kind of Divide that makes people to protect Iniquities under the canopy of NKEA BU onye nke Anyi (This is our own), even though what he stole is not for communal benefit, but privately owned and managed, but it makes some charlatans to feel good as in Nwata Nwe Ewu na aji (A child ownership to a Herd is the Hair and not the meat or the Financial proceed).

The fate of the downtrodden is multiple, not only that the looters nay Leaders empty our Barn, left us gnashing our teeth in penury, then the Securities employed to keep us safe and sane enjoy exploiting us the more without minding that we suffer more consequence than them. 

Imagine, from Lagos to ORE there are 42 POLICE CHECK POINTS and some of them standing 10 seconds apart, then all uses LOGS of WOODS to Form a Barricade that reduced the Road into one tiny lane, that enable them to collect Tolls from the same oppressed and depressed citizens.

I can't talk about the Hostile relationship of Police and Motorist in the Eastern part, especially Onuicha where they have formed unprovoked alliance to negate and held us in acute captivity.

Out there, I mean down East, we live in selective bondage, which drives me to wonder why MYETTI ALLAH volunteering to send her Men to guide Igbo land from Herdsmen, just like asking Mosquito to bring cure for Malaria, but moving on...

 I read that as confirmation, there is Crystal and pressing danger, which permits me to ask the Governor's, Government and Leaders in South East to reactivate our VIGILANTE that held Sway when the land was in ruins at the hands of Daredevil Kidnappers and Robbers, I am talking about the ressurection of the BAKKASI BOYS, they are Ferocious, mean and doesn't faint at the sight of Blood both Cow and others.

Wasn't our forebears said "Ubochi amuru Dike na MBA, ka amuru ibe ya",We surely can breath better and safer with the Baka Boys, as they are match to any invading forces, no matter the guise.

Then taking myself back to the Security Votes, the Leaders should be accountable for any Kobo they took, spent or forget to return to the coffers.

Then it should be made fixed that Governor's must not take above 200 Million for Security Votes, that way we can see that all this Loans we took under certain influence can be nailed on Check.

Anyway, I am not surprise that most of this Noisy Android brandishing Youths who call selves, Social Media Influencers have not and cannot add a voice to this Virus eating the Fabric of our future. 

Mazi Odera POg JP off to Gym to sweat out the excessive Barbecue Fish destroyed Yesternight. 

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