Sunday, July 7, 2024


It's no longer funny that Nigerians are twisted with the Tribal Centrifugal leaning, even when things are Fully in defect, the Citizens are more concern on who is riding the horse of leadership. Never who shall rid this nation of gaffes,we have the Best brains in the world ,but with Religious maggot eating our Senses back home.

Our National Grid that control our light is down again and total Darkness or semi total darkness abound, but NATIONAL Legislooters are not worried, after all the FEDERAL got them Brand New Trucks that cost over 250 Million each which is good ENOUGH to tie the conscience with twine. 

If they are truly legislating for the Nation,they would've impeached the relevant minsters on such EPILEPTIC Agencies.

This Comatosic Nation is running on two breather today, Fuel which generates artificial light and which we know is the major source of power supply through imported Chinese Generators and NEPA which is substitute to Generators, though in a normal, NEPA should be the main source and Generator stands as emergency relief, but for years in this country, Generators serve more than NEPA , it's a shame that with the extremely cost of things, Fuel is tethering on verge of collapse and Light from Nepa which naturally is EPILEPTIC is now confirmed collapsed, the irony is that the minister manning the offices of both agencies are not planning to retire for bringing such disgraceful act to the office, in a progressive world or Saner Country, such Minister would've been Sacked with Prejudice but right here in Nigeria, and even get more outrageous budget.

Who calls the musketeers sorry Ministers to order? is it the same Legislooters that approved them without knowing the offices they man?

is it not progressive enough for Legislators to ask Presidency to match names of proposed Minister with intending offices,so they can Vet with specifics?

i know that most of this leaders have thriving businesses and they Always choose the Best hand , lets say in Dangote Group, i am sure that they have so many IGBO people in hard decision making departments because they simply want the Best and they are seeing the Best of the Best. 

Had he boil his business down to region or religion, the result would've being.......

i know our President also have Congromerate and must have greatest experts if not Ndi igbo at helms , then why are they shy on bringing same Experts or Raw talents to Man the collapsing Arms of this Nation ?.

They know that Engr Barth Nnaji will return NEPA to her glory days , but because of Tribal trivialities they decided to be using candle light in the rain instead of using Waterproof torch. 

Our Petroleum is in dismay, and rumours of larger tariff increase is on the air , as we speak there's artificial scarcity in parts of Lagos and they have hiked the price of the product, then those that despised Ndigbo for asking for detailed Governance are now gnashing the Gum as the teeth are all decayed. Ndigbo will say ógódó ga eru Nwoke ebe orulu ibe ya.

Well , we join the total NEPA BLACKOUT, we already know that most Companies owned by allies have left us to a better organized and saner nations where they are sure of cost of production as in Nigeria you can't tell the cost as power supply will always adjust it without consideration.

While we wallow in Satanic Tribal bigotry mixed with Religious yoke. 

Soon even Nigerian companies will start migrating Outside the national shores, and we can be rest assured that Nigerians don't agree on anything but they agreed on End Sars, the more things are collapsing the more the masses are thinking from point of Survival, let the Government wriggle self out of this unpronounced marginalizing the qualified from sterling the wheels of this Nation, for one day the Masses will rise and KENYANS LEGISLATORS are even hiding in the bush and still have lunch serve them on organized tables , but know that Madness of Nigerians are out of this world, don't push them to start. 

We need sanity within the driving agencies of the government and the faster the Better. 

I speak as PRO the Poor Assembly of Nigeria "PAN" and i come as Prophet crying for righting the wrong to avoid thunderstorms that won't be quelled with pellets. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede is the Job, Dibia Onu Ike is the Office, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu is the family introduction, Minority Opinion writer na South East is the calling. 

Good morning and Jah Bless if he can still waste blessing on this Nation that has all the blessings and refuses to activate it. 

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