Tuesday, July 2, 2024


On the 30th of June 2024,the day Senator serving Anambra SOUTH called all Former appointees from the days of AKPOKUE, to sit and chat with them, was same day Governor SOLUDO also from Southern Aisle of the state called former appointees to host them in Proxy, Maybe to test his might and thwart any effort or plans of Senator Ubah who has thrown his cap into the ring from the get go.

Don't forget that because of Senator Ubah the UNION holding Igwe Ndi ANAMBRA was Broken,and so many Ndi Igwe were sliced for inducting him as one thing or another in their individual Town.

It became TUG OF WAR EVENT and or Two Quarter Final Derby between two pugilist from the South.We know that when two Elephants fight , it's our economy that suffers.

Now the Annals and analysis of the events.. 

With Soludo hosting the OLD ABANDONED APPOINTEES, the Governor was missing in action though he seconded his Chief of protocol Mr Glamour to hold brief and he did. He didn't find them important enough to gain his presence and assurance.

Glamour told the Guests that the Governor "will" give them 2 million Naira After (That's promise, and we know how good his promises are ,like AGBERO ga ana ,which he later gave them official Reflective Jackets and GOVERNMENT ID CARD ,and Making ANMABRA our DUBAI TAIWAN though what we got in total Insecurities) , but not specified the date, week or Year . 

Same day , over 500 of same that went to see IFEANYI UBAH, saw a stack of 25 Million naira mounted on the table and which each of them that visited, got share of the Relief. 

Just wondering how many Former appointees we had in the last APGA Government? but moving on-

The question is what actually is the game plan ? 

No Party has giving Ticket to any person to fly , not even Apga, as the Appeal Court have placed a dangerous caveat on the show by giving suction to APGA Frame work, as we speak, we know that APGA ticket is dangling on the wind considering the handing over of the party to Njoku as the Appeal Court pleases. 

APC ticket is pregnant as there are many Works in the fireplace, plus the Primaries will be interesting, and the Party will like to bring a Unique Aspirant to struggle taking the Creeme of EASTERN heartthrob which is Anambara. The Two Most prominent candidates at APC so far are Senator UBAH and Dr Paul Chukwuma who has served in many National stages of the Party.

There are seasoned Aspirants in APC and East hated the party with passion and love APGA as nke anyi , but APGA is treating Ndi ANAMBRA as Nwa Oseaka , ENOUGH of the charade and invoking sentiments,but after election APGA always resort to giving us hell more than Migrant parties. They give us intercourse without Lubricant or any subtle romance.

The Dance for the Guber is sacred, the wellness of candidates will be analised and we can no longer allow Mkpi nkukwasi to mount the saddle. 

We want our secured state back, we want a state Governor whose interest must be good Governance and not promises based on atuwige agholukwa. AND my eyes are Roving, watching the candidates, observing theatrics and calculating the plus and minus for the state.

Stay tuned with us as we always call it as it is and should be , the decision to choose the wrong prism is a price we all will pay in Future, but he rest assured that i Mazi Odera won't stand ZONAL Governance or Denominational centered politics again ,as it gave us unwarranted and unqualified individuals who learn how to serve even as Chairman Umunna with our state. 

We should advocate for onye di ime welu jebe na oke , we want who has been eating before the meeting and who has the Decanter to pull the state out of APGA quargmire. 

The Best or nothing,no Longer shall we allow sentiments to cloud our judgement.

I am Last Born Mpa Nnukwu, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa and i come in Piss. 

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