Monday, July 1, 2024



Please Media to the Governor should kindly stop this amusing defense of presenting Anambra Security as under check. The insecurities is Top Notch.

Within Weeks now , both at Ojoto by pass , Obiaja axis and OKA ETITI IGBOUKWU ROAD there are snatchings and attempts of Napping without fear. We conceded towns like ÚTÚ,AZIA, ÓRSUMOGHÚ,ISEKKE, UNUBI,UKPOR,MBOSI, LILU,ENUGWU UMUONYIA, UMUNZE to the Sect and now they are moving more into towns and the Government is not worried? 

You wake up in the morning,go out and come back home in Anambara and it is a miracle because you weren't napped or shot and our Leaders are not perturbed,and we think all is well ?

We have ANMABRA Vigilante Service but seems they are limited to the Capital only, as you cannot see them anywhere on our state or federal road operating as in PROTECTIVE OPERATIONS, so that Kidnapers will be scared of running into them and having a nightmare, because the Bad Men move around without fear or scared ,as they know that our roads are pourous and easy to operate. This is breeding of BORNO and creating SAMBISA .

I call on the Governor again to empower STRONG VIGILANTE with a Command that has record of delivering a safer state. We have Men who knows how to met the scourge and give them Waterloo.

This is no Longer funny, even the House members are not pushing for a safer state,maybe they forgot that even relatives are not safe to wander the length and breath of the state.

This is not the DUBAI TAIWAN we bargained for , we now only need a safer state and no Longer elusive DUBAI or UTOPIAN Taiwan.

Apga Alaigbo is the Voice crying with pains of the street.

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