Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 EXPOSITION ON NDIGBO, THE PLOY and how to deal with them by others, written by Mkpisi. 

Nigeria should read this missive and know how well to deal with Ndigbo, so they can belong to the protesting Mob and stop being Anu ana agba egbe ,óna ata nri with Ice water (A GAME that is hunted despite the buzzing of Bullets directed at him,he was grazing and dowing same with Ice Water).

Ndigbo have abstained totally from any protest going on ,About bad Governance and Government in Nigeria,it was so bad an abstain that Nigeria cried and chanted in confusion a reversal of buried Anthem "NIGERIA we hail thee" but the hailing was just a cry for help, though they refused to accept an organic help that will be rendered by the Chosen ones but we believe na agbarusia Ngene ,ekulu same ngene ñúa (After Sterling the pond to cause distaste,the person must scoop same stream to quench hia thirst) , May be we borrow the words of Bob Marley  , which said "The Stone the builder reject, shall end up as the Corner stone or say the PILLAR holding the edifice".

They(Ndigbo ) glo with pride when others are gnashing the teeth and lamenting hardship which they have seen and outgrown going by the annals from the AMALGAMATION, but they must be made to see reasons , so come with me, let's plan and plot on how to drag them into where we want them. 

1) Lets deny them Powers , Headship of Enterprises and shout with hoarse voice that they must succumb and we must forget the metaphor of "Taking a Horse to the stream and not forcing her to drink the water",the Nation must shove acceptance down the throat of Ndigbo, though it was impossible task in 70s , when they were tying Towel as covering, but now they are decking self with complete apparel "omuma na nkukwasi", Nigeria can still hallucinate if you ask me.

Reaction to the idea: Have you ever giving them powers even when you know they have the panacea to right the wrong and cure this Nation from the malady that is choking her ?,what you are seeing today is Shadow after 7 pm , which is just optimal illusion and the same igbo will adumbrate "unu aka fubero ife, Maka akwobedi Beans akwo ,ma akara ana esi" (You haven't seen anything,even though the bean seed is yet to be striped of her protective jacket, talk less of grinding,yet Akara is smelling ).

A musical mastero in Izuogu chanted and i present "mmiri malu Enyi,ka Mbe na awa Ógódó,njuba mbe óga awu awu ,ka óga efe enu?(The River that submerged an Elephant is what Tortoise is tying LOIN cloth in preparation to overcome,the question became, what's his plan ? to jump or swim across ?.

What you guys are seeing crying was just a thanksgiving served Ndigbo on platter during the Genocidal outrage that lasted 3 Years,though without provocation or cause for the onslaught, when British Bombardiers were heaping Bombs On the roofs of  Churches, Schools, Markets and every other public places in the East, just to vaporize Alaigbo, but one thing is sure, that tribe is in God's Coverage,and even the bible the British brought said it succinctly that NO WEAPON FASHIONED AGAINST NDIGBO SHALL PROSPER, same Bible said that A thousand will fall by the left and 10 thousand by the right, but death will not find Ndigbo again as, there won't be second affiliation. 

So after scrutinizing the context of denying them Powers, and bringing above into discuss, i see that it's just a Storm in a Tea Cup , that Race is something even the devil dread to compete as they have Potents that only God can alter. 

2) Let's stop them even in trading places , so they must bow .. 

Response; Right from Get go and much shown when OBASANJO blocked all avenues Ndigbo use to bring Goods into the Country and off many serving wharfs that are in close proximity, when they made Sure that ABA the TAIWAN EFFECT died by enthroning a child born with Caliphate blood who came and swindled and dwindled the progress of ABA and rendered same insolvent within the days he Masquerade as Power that be of the state, but little can one do to a Bean seed, bury it and after a little rain fall , it will germinate and spring back to life with better output. 

In reality, Ndigbo don't even need to import a thing, give them level playing field and see them make the world to start migrating to East as they have the natural decanter to produce and provide, which we have a name for such"Omenuko, by the way using South East to address the East is promoting the same Demon the Nation wished on us , there is nothing like South East or South South, we have EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH, the alteration is just to break the Leg of the Tripod (Same plan they have when they proposed to balkanize the unity of Ndigbo by mutting the ideas of ORLU State, instead of giving ANIOMA State that will pull together all igbo speaking tribes in Delta and Edo,so the IGBO brothers on other Divide will rejoin Umunna ) ,that is holding the Nation, but once they broke the TRIPODIAL Eastern leg, the Tripod folded and went off balance and there is no redemption as Things fall apart and the center refused to hold further, unless the Broken leg is re-engineered into the Duties of TRIPODIAL balancing, but we have a word for such in igbo, we say and I provide "Oji onye na ani , ji onwe ya and we have another which says" Nwata si na nne na Nna agaghi araghu ura, ga amu anya '.

That words which said na onwero ife Amu nkeni ga eme ike Agadi Ñwanyi, maka amaró ife melu ya nka comes to Play. 

We all agree na ejiro nwa Dibia eneta Poison because the Decanter of the fathers shrine protects him , come what may , adighi egbuchi Onwa with paws and plots. 

Stay tuned as we journey down toward this topic.. Mkpisi is coming. 

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