Monday, June 3, 2024


Nwoke ibem, you earnestly wanted a better life for you and your family, so you arrange for relocation to Overseas with your entire family, Which is Great to avoid this Nation and her lapses, but read my lips ...

Once you set out of Nigeria and settle overseas, just keep "I am the head of the House act to your self". Once you landed,you became the tail of the House,as both wife and Children have all rights and you have all shut up.

Don't ask Madam to cook for you , as she must have watched on TV and got tutorials from Friends she met out there how Men are the House Maid and Women the Head of House , if you try to correct it, ije nga.

Don't scold your kids as you use to do in Nigeria, if you try to correct any of them, then social welfare will deal with you badly, just know that you allow your kids to turn to Bisexual, Heterosexual or Osi na ike eme or even have a Gender shift , if you advise him or Her , ne gi nekwo nga.

if you bought a house and have properties Overseas, just know that your wife is checking which ones she will take in less than 2 years, it's not wickedness but territorial demon at work . The First Friend Women make overseas are Divorce lawyers and Police Hotlines.

If you send away your Children to educate Overseas, dont expect them to come back here and manage whatever things you stacked for them, just know you have met the end of fatherhood with them, just marry Another wife and start raising another family at old age , it's not that the kids changed, it's you that changed them , you can't train a child in a ghetto and won't get the Vibe of that environment.

i am not saying this to hurt you 👏 but to let you know what you will get at old age , so it won't come to you as a shock.

Stop crying, "after i send this woman Overseas, she divorced me" ... it's a requisite laid down for women out there.

i am Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede na ede with precision.

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