Monday, June 17, 2024


Bia nu ndi Soshal Media SOLUDO, let me say it again maka na óbu my state ka mpu na eme.

Most of you were taunting the Ugly state mess that happened at Nnewi yesterday, when VIGILANTES pursue KIDNAPPERS that went for Rescue Operation at Nnewi Ichi and Some of the Vigilantes lost the life and instead to cry for shamed situation of the insecurities in the entire State, some are dancing that SENATOR IFEANYI UBAH Protective intervention failed, i wanted to walk away but this is my state and as SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE GOVERNOR ON GOOD GOVERNANCE on good Governance, i must Point out errors..

That SENATOR Ubah is angling to be GOVERNOR is not my business, that SOLUDO wants a second term without delivering route to DUBAI talkless of TAIWAN he promised us , that a discussion for another day , but today, we are trying to deal with anathema that is my State.

As much as Ifeanyi Ubah has his own Media Team , my job is to make sure , we have a better working state.

A state taking out from the charade, a state where a powerful choice that will make us better should be elected, a State where we can be Proud to say , this is my State.

I am still accessing and weighing the candidates, and i refused to be dragged along the same ZONAL Poison that gave us OBIANO and led us through DUBAI TAIWAN Insecurities, our eyes are deep in the waters to search for a redemption without the shackles of Zoning, DENOMINATION and Gender bias.

Moving on in educating the Bias mockers that mocked Nnewi carnage, they said that the CCTV did not capture the Kidnapers, right?

But , they didn't ask how did the 3 set of SECURITY SIENNA move into operation to cordon off the miscreants? was it Ugu Óka that called them ?

The VIGILANTES was somewhere and got a Distress call that some suspects are Perambulating around a Hotel at Nnewi Ichi and they zoomed off to meet them , not knowing that they have changed vehicle, as they were approaching the area and meet speeding Car which they think may be escaping from the scene to avoid being the Victims, then the incoming vehicle opened fire and killed the leader of the Vigilante who was in the Bucket seat of the lead vehicle, He was killed when his vehicle engaged on reverse and entered into gutter , while the two Security sienna was engaging the First surprising assiliant , another vehicle of the nappers which is back up opened hell and set complete confusion within the Vigilantes.

The assailants escaped without any other security or Vigilante stopping or harassing them in a state where we have CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER and also Number one citizen ,in a cline of humans,by this time series of resignation would've sufficed and on voluntary basis,but what do we have ? even the state is yet to address it.

I wonder why the Governor and Government are not visiting the place to show remorse for what happened in the state?.

I know that State SECURITY VOTE are not distributed to SENATORS, so Ebubechukwu uzo Nnewi must be providing the security by individual effort, why should APGA Media taunt him instead of being thankful that he is providing elusive security?.

Those expecting CCTV to do more than it did or will do by recording, the person must he high on nasty smoke, it can only capture and don't repel . CCTV doesn't have AK to engage.

The State should mount CCTV in most violtile places, that can reduce the route this boys are taking, that's if they dont shoot it off poles .


I know that in DUBIA there's no insecurity and in Taiwan it's aberration to say insecurities, so where is our own version of the said promises?

I remain SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE GOVERNOR ON GOOD GOVERNANCE, and Mkpisi Ndi Egede is my Office, while Mazi Odera POg JP is the Name.

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