Monday, June 17, 2024

 Attn Gov SOLUDO.. 

Sir, it's time you remove Political Grove to pummel the dastardly art of insecurity in our state. 

UGM committed SACRILEGE at NNEWI today, as they murdered VIGILANTES after they kidnapped somebody and VIGILANTES gave them Chase to recover the nabbed. 

Sir, it's time you remove glove and deal with the situation with ferocious reprisal , and i call again that you should Drag somebody like Chuma Nzeribe known as Civilian General to step inn and create a level playing field,as commander in chief of OPERATION RESCUE ANAMBRA or Liberate ANAMBRA.

Chuma can be seen by many as Bad Man, some see him as serious bad influence, but you can check him out in truth , even his days as POLITICAL Representative in house of Reps, he served ANMABRA Government with passion. He appear Bad to those ndi ana adighi nma.

You need somebody who has Security Iron clad to deal with this menace, why i am crying aloud is that, Anambara is bleeding. 

Like i said last week , as we wait for improved security, kindly give EKWUEME, DORA AKUNYILI center and even INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CENTER as subsidized places for Hosting traditional things for most people whose towns are under siege, that way , ANMABRA will be Hot again and bubbling with activities. 

I remain Your SA on Good Governance (UNPAID) , Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede. 

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