Thursday, June 13, 2024


~ (A critical evaluation)

The 10th Senate is exactly 1 year today and it is important to interrogate the performance of the Senator representing my zone, Anambra South in the Red Chamber.

Promoters of Sen. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah should leave Gov. Charles Chukwuma Soludo out of his woeful underperformance in the upper chamber, especially in this 10th Senate as we undertake this critical evaluation because their alibi is dead on arrival.👌

Of what use really is intelligence (no matter how critical) in the fight against public insecurity when such intelligence (as may be conveyed by the cctvs installed in different locations) cannot be acted upon in REAL TIME?

Or does Sen. Ubah run a private police force that has the required constitutional mandate and capacity to carry out such function?

If the answer to the above is NO, as we all know, how can the Nigeria Police swiftly act on Intel captured by Sen. Ubah's CCTV cameras when the Control Room is not domiciled with it?

Better still, can any of his promoters specifically point out just ONE instance where it was Intel provided by the cctv cameras installed by Sen. Ubah that led to the arrest of any armed robbery or kidnap / UGM gang?

The CCTV shenanigan (I call it political hoodwink strategy) by Sen. Ubah is completely of no moment and therefore WORTHLESS.🤷

Of truth, it is what it is ~ one of the many scams or political hoodwink strategies of a woefully underperforming Senator desperate to remain in power after the collapse of his hitherto fledging business empire.

~ Comr. Chris McCool Nwosu 

(Good Governance Advocate; Political Activist and Public Affairs Analyst)

Ozubulu, Ekwusigo LGA.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Simpli simplicitas, this is it 👇

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