Friday, June 14, 2024

 SEQUEL TO ACDA FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET, a concern by Beneficiary traders, written by Mkpisi. 

Dear ACUDA and Gov SOLUDO, i greet you all for the FRUIT Stalls built on ABAKILIKI Street, which is to provide Solace to the Street market traders displaced within ÓKA territory. 

As a PILOT project,this will also help in shaping the next phase of the project wherever it shall he located.

After i wrote my appreciation for giving a listening ear captioned and i present ,

I got many reports from Women who should benefit from the gesture.. 

They said the Stalls are without Protective Doors and that they were mandated to provide Money for IRON DOORS to protect each stall , which will enable them to always lock up after the day and not transporting Vegetables to and Fro from houses or borrowed lock up places, especially people coming from long distance. 

it's good observation, because most of them can't be trucking the perishables to and fro as that will render most of the fruits and Vegetables useless, Vegetables and Fruits shall be stored in  conducive environment for healthy presence.

So the plea from them is to appeal to the Government to erect the Doors, that they can be paying back on instalment, as each gate may cost more than what they have in hand to start the business if left for them to do before starting. 

They said that Government said erecting the Gate is the requisite for allocating Shops to operators, and the amount is yet to be determined, but will be after the Welder must have finish erecting a PILOT copy and determine the cost, which may not be friendly, so the appeal is for the Government to Fund it or lend the money upfront that will erect it, and when they must have Started trading, they can be paying back installmentally. 

Don't forget that if they erect the gate,the Shops are no Longer free ,plus they can boost of partnership which can go either ways.

Finally,they begged from a point of Street wise business people,which i think the Government should consider for the best,they argued that,if they are selling just vegetables and Fruits,that most of the items will perish because workers prefer to buy everything for cooking at a place,not they will transport self to EKE OKA and buy Meat and other condiments, then transport self down to Abakiliki street to buy Vegetables,that if the Venue is not thrown open for petty traders to trade ,that the shop will be a flop as many will not be selling one 10th of the market they bought and the rest will perish for want of buyers as above argued.

Sir and His Excellency,if not that ACDA CHAIRMAN is not returning or picking my calls, I would've come to him in private and if the Governor did not Block me , I would've been sending him WORDS on the street in private, but since i am Blocked and Calls not picking up or calls returning,i simply make do with Public route.

Good Morning, Next appeal is why is the Government frustrating ANAMBRA PRESS? is it because they are going about the business scared of the shadows or because they are wishing to be giving half Bag of Abakiliki Rice at the end of the Year ?.

They should be acting as the conscience of the Government, but they are walking in weakness,mana ka anejegodi..

Mazi Odera POg JP, Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Special ADVISER to the Governor UNPAID.

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