Thursday, June 6, 2024

 Nnam , stop wondering how you offend some people, there are many who were born to be Evil and Demons handset, i am sure if they saw Jesus died on the cross for them, they will query him on why he Choose to die when he or she didn't ask him to . 

Haters abound just move on and leave them behind, as that is appropriate place for them , if you ever try to teach them love , they will bury your soul without remorse. 

Never ever try to wrestle with a Pig or pulling her out from putrid, as he will drag you to his level and beat you with home advantage and experience with sewage dwelling. 

Have a wonderful weekend, just allow Haters to continue, ride on , let them continue as the TOXIC in them won't mix with Peace in you . 

I speak from close observations, there are people who can't change from demonic mindset, they love it and stop trying to lift them, they ACTUALLY NEED MEMBERS and bringing you DOWN is a plus to them.. POg 

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