Tuesday, June 11, 2024

 THE NEXT THEATRICS AGAINST NDIGBO, fashioned by outsiders but promoted by onye Igbo.. Mkpisi. 

Good Morning Ndi be Anyi, i know we all have heard one person agitating for BALKANIZING of igbo brotherhood by shredding the elusive peace that is jinxed with the State creation. 

What is the need for further desecration of Alaigbo by slicing ORLU (May be they Mean Oru which is Slave) out of Imo State and ANAMBRA state. 

As they know that Imo will have already made 17 local Government in the proposed ORU STATE and Anambra 2 , but that two will come in with Potentials but as Minority, then the 17 will come to marginalize them and the fight will last for 20 years, don't forget they will be dragging office placements and operational places. 

Members of the Newly created state will be replaced in working places in other states with the notion,go back and help your state.

Instead of discussing this diffuse from others just to water down our Harmony, we should all agree that Ndigbo need one more state, but it will come as Anioma where our brothers across the Niger will be incubated with Peace and Love. 

Anioma will bring back all Igbo speaking brothers exiled with prejudice. 

It was the plan to whittle down the cohesiveness of Ndigbo that made them to brought up the phrase SOUTH EAST, they combine South and east to make sure discrepancy comes in drove, they later added SOUTH South, South West but single North, as they know there's Unity in oneness. 

We should be EASTERN NIGERIA not South EAST, SOUTH is a separate entity, you can't join them with East,doing so is same with AMALGAMATION that held the nation to isi aja aja.

Looking at cardinal points, you can get EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH, the Anglicanizing of EAST to include SOUTH is an attempt to create ism and SCHISM within and it's working, but enough should be enough, as Bob Nesta Marley said "Emancipate your self from Mental slavery", we are bonded as Slave , but we should stop shackling self with fetters of rusted iron. 

Anyi bu ofu and we shouldn't allow them to continue creating Demonic boundaries that set us apart. 

Let there be ANIOMA STATE and we are good to go . 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Mazi Odera POg JP. 

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