Saturday, June 15, 2024

 TOXIC FATHERS, the New Awakening (Ukanna 2024) by MNE. 

As Ndi Nna pause to Mark, not celebrate Father's day as incumbent on Anglican doctrine and or dogma, i know some people will Wonder why i use the phrase Mark, not celebrate, but it's easily defined, as "Fathers are never celebrated, they are PILLARS that is HIDDEN on the background, but the entire edifice is laden on him".

Wifes naturally consign them to make selves the most hated, Whenever  a child messes up ,the Mother will promise the child doomsday when Daddy come back and once he comes back ,the wife will egg him on to beat the child and while he tries to beat for sake of correction and peace,the same will will come rescuing the same Child and in mind of the Child,the Mother is a savior,a saint and the father who was forced to intervene will be seen as raging monster and the child will grow with that Draconian mindset.

While appreciation with thanks are always dashed to Mothers always as Ezinne, and literary without spoken words the fathers are benched as Bad fathers  ,which is the main reason there's a unified thanksgiving made for fathers whenever issue of Ómúgo come into play,the new parents will fete the Mother and buy a very HOT KAIKAI not even priced Wine for the Man,the drink is for Father for slaving to raise the family even when he is going through troubled time while the children are growing ,but the Father's will be there acting as the unseen Rock of Gibraltar.

Maybe based on sentimental evaluation or because Women ACED family Politics, while Men ACED Sentimental heads.

Maybe because Men underestimated them with the catch phrase that said"Women are the weaker vessel", but in reality , I wonder if they are weak at all ?.

 imagine the Weaker Vessel that drove fear into Elijah who is a prophet that King fear with utmost Trepidation ,but a Woman simple sent an oral message to him and he fled as if War entered Katanga .

A Generation that is so Weak that they killed SAMSON effortlessly,same Man that can kill entire Village filled with warriors.

We think them weak, whereas they always make many father's Minority at Home with skilled manipulations of both Father and children.

it doesn't matter anymore as it has come to Become even though we despise that mistreatment but what can we do to balance the deficit ?We agreed that ísi na ebu Ogidi ga ebu Ogidi,if not onyijie ya onu (The Head that has the Decanter to carry Ogidi can only do such,if you try it because you have a nerve popping Neck,then Ogidi will bend your Neck).

If defined on straight analogy, it can be said " Monkey dey work,while Baboon dey chop "(You labour for others to benefit) digressing, but that's the painful beauty of Life.

 i know that most Men will prefer they alternate Ije Omugo with the wife,so that that Útú muru Dike can be appreciated,but we have gotten the burden of onye Nna and we Carry it without restraint,not because we can't remonstrate but because we felt it's Adamic turn around and we bear same with straight face.


Today we dress on our usual Crystal apparel or say White Top which signified Purity and setting us apart as Ndi Nna, but in truth are you set apart as onye Nna or you leave your house in ruin and utter regrets? or what can be best addressed as dead beat father ?. 

You many find Fault with the antics of your wife and you may have resolved to show her you are the PILLAR, but you haven't read the minutes of Last meeting, where even Divinity abstained from the union called marriage(sorry not abstain but Flea), but you delve into it and Band of angels are watching and grading your work as a Father and not Feather, yet many of us are fluke or say APOLOGY of a Father,ana azó isi, as if there's a Belt or Trophy attached to such position.

You may consider self an ASTUTE Agada gbachiri uzó, who makes the wife to quake at his presence, who the children are scared stiff whenever he come back home , infact they recline into rooms or hiding places once the Father is around and the Man did not see that as abandoned or alienated person while he is still active in his Mid life ,that his Old age will be completely hazardous because none will like to come closer to him,then He will understand that isolation is never a way of life, because loneliness will barb you KODO (clean shave). Make peace with your Children, don't allow the wife to fill their head with lies about you and how good she is , change that psych.

You are terror as Head of the house (Not Home) an error to marriage, you forgot that there's always a time limit, there's a price tag for every commodity and Karma is a such SUPREME COURT that there's no appeal against the judgement. 

You are suppose to be the darling of the Wife,Her boyfriend, Go to Guy(dependable ally), even when you think she has short coming Which is women second nature, the only reason why MARRIAGE is cemented with offspring is to give us good opportunities to raise our own family with same perfection we did not see from our spouses, yes , if your spouse has deficiencies, you shall amend same with raising a standard package in your own home,then you can Pat self on the chest and say "I have done well". 

When you think your own spouse wasn't raise right, then raise  good Children , raise a Daughter, Son that will be synosure of eyes, who will be Sought after and Humanity will chorus "they have good home training". 

As a Father, what have been your feeding allowance to the family in this present day austerity induced nation?.

 We all know and agree that things are tough, Money is not easy to come by which affects cost of living generally, so if you have been given your Wife a certain amount of money to feed the family back in the years when prices of commodities are affordable and you insisted that she should manage it,  you insisted that the status quo should remain, i will ask you , do you manage the old price of Beer or pepper soup?.

 i am sure that once Joints increase prices because of the financial depression and high cost of items, you automatically adjusted in acceptance. 

Just think about the current prices of Pure Water, Biscuits,Mineral water and even Indomie, Such price discrepancy touched every sphere of life, though wives makes matters worse, but feeding allowance and or provisions shall increase and it's your responsibility,i know it's not fair, but ask Divinity why they made is the Head.

 Don't you know that it's same market both Restaurant and your own wife are buying from ? .

if you can adjust to reality of restaurant increase, you should adjust with same percentage of increase in home cooked meal, don't forget that , the hands that giveth never lack and for one to enjoy an omelette,you must break an egg,you want it done ,you shall provide the deed for the done.

How many times have you visited your children in schools? you think it's waste of resources? 

if you plant Yam and the tendon or stem is not directed, or tethered through a directional Pole, the stem will cripple on the ground and the produce will be stunted, same is applicable to growing Children, either you keep watch over them , the type of Friends they keep, the life they are living, the habits he or her immersed into, you can only watch from a close knit and not just providing the finances needed, you need to get close enough,maka anodebe  nti ama ula ,and unless you are close up ,you can't sniff a mouth odour.

Because of fathers detached approach toward the Children, the children ends up as Slay Queen, Cultist, Yahoo gangs, rejected and dejected life and later you pass blame  to sundry, do your part and when disastrous result is self made by a child, you can pat self in self praise that osiro gi na aka . 

Be a Father and not a fraud, be a HUSBAND and not a HORSE with a band. 

They said Teachers reward is in Heaven, just also note that FATHERS blessing is at after life and there's nothing one can do about it , unless we change HOME POLITICS which was where we deviated and we are paying the price at old age.

Children and Wives , Kindly give something to fathers maka fa na agbani ,even if it's recharge card or DATA or Kwanu Malt, do it ,ka orana ewetaro onwe ya and Real Men Value Gift and not minding the size,we look at the Heart.

Mazi Odera POg JP is Ókpokopi Anglican, and a Father of Father's who can boast of having a great wife, wonderful Children and Divine blessing.

He deserves a father's gift from even You. 

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