Thursday, June 20, 2024

 WHO GAVE ASMATA the Constitutional  Powers to Bulldozed Shops at Nnobi? by Mkpisi. 

Yesterday, while Fire was commuting average families to inferno impoverished at Afo Nnobi in Idemmili South of ANMABRA State, Another State AGENCY and or Union under the Chairman were on rampage destroying Shops of traders at same Nnobi ,as if there is plans to deal with Nnobi with Powers of Government and Supernatural .

 ASMATA team were pulling down Shops at same Nnobi and rendering more  families insolvent under supervision of the Chairman. 

I can't tell if the powers of brutality is conferred on them by the State Government or they are usurping the functions of Judiciary or they felt that our Government is sterile and Nwoke anóro na Nnobi as a Town.

Is this ASMATA same as

Anambra State Market Amalgamated Traders Association (ASMATA) ? if yes ,where did they get the constitutional powers of destruction of properties?

Did they obtain Court judgement toward that ?

If they did ,are they now Judiciary executioners?

Does it mean that Nnobi doesn't have Lawyers who can sue this Trading UNION and make them pay with prejudice?.

 How can market Union flaunt this Brand of injustice?

 Even PG Nnobi should Sue the Union with State government as supervising Body , especially when the state ceded the powers of Jury and Judge to trading ASMATA.

The cries of the poor doesn't fall on human Ears, if Ndi ANAMBRA can be this mean to fellow citizens, how about if Ndi Ofe nmanwu or Ndi Born to rule give us same measure ? what then will be our cries or we must fold without lamentation.

 How else can we say that the Party we tried to be called Nkea bu nke anyi, is now same one that is treating us as aberration? 

APGA is not treating Anambara as a state that pad the party Nest, the high handedness is going through the roof. 

We disdain APC for unfair treatment, but they seem more tolerant and loving toward our general plight to compare with what APGA is doing in ANMABRA. 

If the Governor can't stripe this ASMATA of this Garb, then Opposition Parties, PG and relative Bodies should step up and tell them na ókwó Mmadu nwe ógodo Ewu na ata .. 

Mkpisi is the Job. 

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