Tuesday, July 9, 2024


John the Baptist was crying in the wilderness, warning the People about the coming of a Messiah. (i am crying and warning of drought).

Jonah after rebirth from the Belly of the Whale was furious and he was announcing with sarcasm the demise and destruction of Nineveh( i am warning about the defects of our GOVERNANCE and choosing rusted brains instead of leaders with pedigree).

Mazi Odera POg JP is crying about the destructive attitude of our leadership na Alaigbo which is my concern constituency, but Today Anunebe asked me a simple question "Ndi ana achi achi na umu ha, fa adi better than the outgoing wasted generation?".

That jolted me into reality as i sat down to departmentalize our Sectors and segments and i discovered na ukwa ana api enwero mkpuru (The Breadfruit we are soughting is without seeds ).

I looked at our Youths as I wish they took over and give self a contrast tomorrow, but the Youths are more gone than our out going wasting generation.

 The centrifugal nature of our Youths are too detrimental to growth of any kind and what they ingest this days are more toxic than Poison.

Right from Get go , parents are helping children to skip sound education, as parents bribe teachers to give Worthy results to empty headed Children, imagine a mother buying exalted academic position for the son or daughter, what are you planning and planting in her future? little Wonder the Youths have decided to move into ritualistic Future, girls of today prefer to use Private parts (sorry it was in our days we have private parts, today our Kids are making it Public parts, some underage display private parts on SOCIAL Media as content creating and searching for buyers of Sex),they have fully evolved into AKWUNA emelu nchobe na public domain and the parents are no longer shame faced and the brows no longer scratch neighbors because of bad dance.

Check our Secondary schools of today, majority of parents after wasting Money sending the children to School,are saving Money to buy them a juicy WAEC result, meaning they knew that the Ward is unqualified to hold any academic laurel, that's why many schools are having empty SS3 classes because the students through the help of mostly the mothers resort to go into Miracle Center after SS2, where they will buy good grades or fantastic result and the parents are patronizing them, ndi Úchú muo, whereas the child can never defend his or her discipline, then you ask self, is this the brand of children that will change the prevailing decadence that is swallowing both our local stead , state and Nation? 

Before now , we think that bringing back our diasporian trained brothers would've gave us a better future, as we agreed that they have evolved with better mind set , but those who came back and serve as Governor, Ministers and in various positions are more devious than home groomed. 

We should start in the East to work against enabling those Miracle centers , using both the instruments of Government and suffocating them with lack of patronage. 

We should stop celebrating our Children that grab miracle Money as we know that there's always a hidden catche to it, you can't be celebrating money without route or genuine root and you think your tomorrow is golden!!. 

Don't forget that what you sow you MUST reap for real.

If your Ward can't represent his or her discipline on self Merit, what then is the benefit of wasting money giving them education? 

Our Education system in the East should move out from the Theoretical angle and bring in practical base, lets start teaching our Children Hand work, let get them self set for future while in school. 

if our Children can learn Hairdressing, Furniture making, Masonry, mechanic, Electrician, Cloth and Shoe Making Right from Primary just as it was back in the days and as it is in China of Today, then even if the person stopped education midway , just know that he or she is set to move into life with self supporting efficient. 

If graduated then it became a combined best.

We should teach them ROUTE  to good life , Christian life not Tithe and offering ministry, teach them that Heaven help those who sweat and intend to make things work for self, after all Bible said "I will bless the work of thine hand" and not i will bless you for idiotic giving out your Capital or sowing of seed or giving of Tithe.

Good morning because osita diba nma , odibaru gboo. 

Dibia Onu Ike is the messenger, Mkpisi is the Job, POLITICAL and Media Consultant is the profession and Shoving Truth down throats is the Hobby. 

Please don't forget that if i have bitten your fingers which Fed me one way or another, that's because you fed me with kururu infested finger and if biting it will straighten it, then i will bite harder. 

If i ever stepped on your Toes, just know your toes are blocking the ways of brighter future and i will stump on it with spike shoes in future. 

if i ever offend you, i am sorry that it wasn't hard enough, wait i will come to apologize with baseball bat. 

Pen of the gods is the Stable. 

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