Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Good Morning Sire, personally i was reluctant to continue throwing Advise away , Ndigbo said and i provide "onye agwaru kwe ,agwa ya ózó" Which is not the case here, but the god's are yakking me to Jonahnize ( Be your Jonah).

 My Old man said he advise with one finger pointing with humility,but will judge with all hands opened in perplexity.

We shouldn't forget that one King Ezeonyeagwanam from Azigbo back in the days, went into the bush to defecate on his way to Nzuko ndi Eze, because of the flowing dimension of his kingley garment,the garment sweep defecations off the floor,but because he is Ezeonyeagwanam,his entorages simply kept silent untill he get to rendezvous and was thoroughly ashamed, Which is lesson for the INITIATES.

Sir, I heard about your Sit at home admonitions cum Charge to Traders in the State, but was taking aback when I read one Online News report said ",Gov Soludo told Traders to Open Shop on Monday or we seal your Shop", i don't know if it's excitement and over reporting of  online News, but whatever it is , let me Advise maka amaró ka esi anyaru akpa fu Anu, Ikwu amaghi ibe ezi ya.

Sir, Neutralizing Sit at home can never work with enforcing Traders to open shops without having Securities and or Vigilantes retaken our roads and streets from the hands of the UGM.

 Which we know UGM have used the lethargic means to instil fears into the pysche of both Traders and Civil servants ,even securities are off road on Mondays ,either on obedience or they simply wants to avoid blood letting with the Group. 

Only a tree continue to stand at a place even when the felling is concluded,but human flea at simple suspicion of threat to life.

Life has no part 2 ,so one can say in part 2 let me correct the errors of part 1, once you pass the gate of life, it's game over, which necessitated the metaphor of Voom ka nma karia statement.

Ogini made a remarkable statement when she said "it's better people laughed at his escape methodology than to snear at his carcass flavoring Pot of soup".

If you want to show the State how safe the State has become, just show them that they should come out without fears on Mondays, let the Party (APGA )start every Monday with  leading by example.

They should match round in the State with bands, every Local Government will roll out drum wearing APGA legalia, drumming and dancing from morning till 2 pm, especially settling at markets fields in various places, when this is replicated just for one month, i can assure you that people will naturally move out back to the street and reopening of markets will suffice, but if there's no Security assurance, not oral Diatribe will compel the meek to dare to thread where Angels Dread to meet, maka ejiro ife eji agha nti, agba anya.

But physical menacing Securities prancing about and showing intimidating presence in the state shall suffice as mind booster, then i can beat my chest and assure you that Traders will March out just like Umuazi UNN matched out in 1967 to repel the aggressors that invaded the land through Obollo Afó Nsukka.

 Let me rephrase one King that dared to ostracize a Criminal back in the days and the criminal came to him at dawn and ask him,Igwe they said you concluded to ostracize me, is that true?

The Igwe with his heart coming out through his mouth said in response "Kam bu Igwe,abum Igwe ?'( While i am the King,am i an Iron ?).

Sir, like it or not, you have a tainted name and record, starting from promises you never keep (It's not Broken -no need trying to Fix it, AGBERO ga ana,our IGR will be DATA processing rather you have Reflective jacket adorning AGBERO's doing the job with Aka ODO with fearless abandon) and relocating every Government presence only to AGUATA or roads leading to AGUATA.

 Plus the abysmal performance in Security, nobody will obey that Death dearth , it's not only suicidal to come out on a day when bullets are flying without provocation, but outright death wish trying to,not as if when anybody dies the government will even mourn talkless of chasing the killers. 

Actually Sir, to assure the Traders that nothing bad will happen on Mondays, start self awareness campaign on Mondays, you will drive without retinue of security around Ihiala,mbosi, ÚTÚ, AZIA and will be broadcasted life or even recorded, on TV and Radio the assurance drive.

Your Deputy should replicate same around UMUNZE , Enugwu UMUONYIA , EZIRA.

Speaker of the house will drive around OGBARU, URUM, MGBAKWU, EBENEBE.. all shall be reported on Media live, i can assure you that even that day Ndi ANAMBRA will join you and them on the street free of all charges and ready to Battle the foes, but without such assurance, it won't happen... 

Sir, with the imbroglio in the party, the bad name your government has gathered through the ism and SCHISM brand of Governance, if you force anybody to come out and anybody die on the road or even in his house Because of kwapu kwapu, i can assure you that such is Political IT'S FINISHED, that act is what every party needs to hammer the nail down your political coffin as Emperor. 

If you don't retake the security of the state and cajole citizens to move about, be rest assured that even political hooligans will cause carnage just to escalate fears and rub you with worst name. 

i know you don't like advise that are positive, unless it's the one that will create huge trouble for you, like i advised you to reconcile with Njoku because i wish my state the best , as i have swan the Waters of same political turmoil and can tell you what gives, you refused and obey the voices of let's go to Court and today your lawyers are traveling even to Birinin Kebi searching for restraint order which won't happen , not on time anyway, but i know that Njoku is Just a guy on the front line , ife na akuru ya egwu no na shadow.

know that the hands of the executors are more potent than that of a State, and taking ANAMBRA is Sacrosanct for a particular selfish purpose. 

Sir,as a political Analyst,i always advise EYES ON THE BALL.. you are watching the leg of the player but averting the danger you must  Keep your eyes on the ball ,some players are like Jay Jay Okocha who looks to the left and lay killer pass to the left and they send Thunder ballistic missile with any of his foot without balancing,he is that good and so is some politicians.

Sir, hear me carefully, the reason ANMABRA is marked as taken is because a leg of the Tripod has fortify self to amputate the powers of the POWER, by making sure there's fraternal understanding between Born to rule , and the POWERS that is wants to aggregate the remaining 2 legs of the Tripod because the show will be like Israelites moving out of Egypt and heading to Utopian Which brought the people into ndi kwe na ndi ekweghi, Plus ANAMBRA is the Giant Elephant in the jungle, if she can be taken, what resistance shall the Acolytes provide?. 

Just like some Sects wants to take out Israel from the job of stability of middle east,so they can use cane and flog the rest into University of horror and institution of terrorism, Anambra is a POTENTATE in that region.

Just call it the Powers of folding powers, APGA would've been the deciding factor, but with the Centrifugal orgasm that held the party down, it makes things easier for the Chess players. 

LP would've been another third force, but leadership plight Which they are having is another curved caveat thrown into the arena by same intoxicating Powers that want the place, they held us at the juggler with hope that when we can't breathe, we will succumb, but we held self to the strangulating choke and they simply relaxed and allow us to do the Job and they will waltz in to conquer the conquest. 

Wasn't it said na agadi Ñwanyi da nda ada na abo,ogua ife obu na ukpa onu ?

We should know that in the POLITICAL Google of the Federation, Anambara is marked "Next Prey with question Mark" but we are assuring them that there's no need to struggle for overtaken her, as we will deliver the state with beautiful shackles made with rusty iron, deliver self to them even on bended knees. 

Sir, thread with Trepidation as the Formula used in Local Government malfeasance is just a Template handed over to Slave Masters on how to cower the stubborn Slaves, it's said na ezokata mkpuru obi, ogwazie ndi muo, ebe ndu di mmadu.


1) Reconcile with Njoku for a stable front,never forget that he who fights and run away, lives to fight another day, you can organically starve him of fund after reconciliation and later find a way to frustrate him, but for now , he holds and control the 4 aces. 

It will cost you huge Money,but it's cheaper than the other route.

2) Use half of the savings you marked for buying of your re-election to provide ULTRA SOUND SECURITY back to the State, as that will tear whatever fighting chances that are gathered into shreds. once we have Security back in the State,APGA will come out with chest pushing out and have fighting chances.

i know your group of charge and bail POLITICAL advisers won't allow you to understand this reasons to allow you assimilate this advise,but know i am not doing this for you or financial target, but maka my State and Posterity, After all osue imi,osu anya. 

Just know that as Dibia Onu Ike, i am telling you this Race that is coming, is not one a Lady hold her breast with both hands while running, this one every galloping and flapping is not even about decorum, but about survival, so the waving and flapping of the breast is inconsequential . 

Good morning Prof, i come in Peace, not Piss. 

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, political Analyst with feathers. 

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