Monday, October 14, 2024

 THE REMEDY TO INSECURITY IN THE STATE written by SSAGG (Senior special adviser on Good Governance).

Good Morning my Governor, this is your Special ADVISER on Good Governance, though blocked from Contact, i come with Special reticulation Idea to our Insecurities Which have towered and cowered the State into petty bubbles.


Banking on the igbo metaphor of anuta akórú Eze,ódika ógwóru anumanu,i come to whisper as usual.

Sir, as you witnessed yesterday that ANMABRA traders Called your bluff, they rather face consequences that will be rectified in Court, than facing the Raging monsters that occupied the forests in Many towns in the Southern part of the State as Base , While they terrorize the entire State as hunting ground, as your Special ADVISER on something Mr Evaristus Ubah sent out a Gauntlet Memo proposing Government Draconian laws that will quicken the IGR Drive which SIT at HOME has been depriving the State every Monday, as the Draconian letter demands that all shops must be opened even at the point of Guns blazing , bullets flying and blood letting from the vermins.

The letter want the Money that must be pried off the Traders,not the afflictions that goes to hurt them.

I wonder why traders did not sue the Adviser for such temerity,he shouldn't have signed such letter,he is not significant enough to author such high profile letter which makes the state to seem like she is on AUTO PILOT. and the Governor if not pride, should have reprimanded him for the letter,just as face saving.

It's glaring that the main purpose of the letter is not to give peace to Traders or bring them respite but , for the government to collect the imposing IGR madness , then he added a clownish caveat which stated that "Non compliance to shop opening at glaring dangers, attracts the fine of closure and permanent forfiture of Shop to onye AGUATA " ,but the Traders knowing that all who died on previous attempt to thwart the Sit at home atrocious Policy, the government did not commiserate with families of the Demise.

Traders decided to call the Government Bluff and they stayed at home And stayed alive, thereby killing the Monetary pilfering plots of the Government.

One thing that happened which made me to grin from ear to ear ,like a Girl who break her virginity under mango tree during egwu onwa (moonlighting), was when you roll out Retinue of Securities and they formed impregnable perimeter around you as you went to Upper Iweka, hire one Empty KEKE, Remove the Driver just incase ome buru one of the UGM, you enter the Keke,came out and announce that "I have entered Keke and pay the driver". 

Sir,if truly you have creative team and they wanted to sale us a Dummy,they would've hired more than 15 KEKE and all those hired goons that littered the video, would've boarded them and they will be driving up and down shouting destination,then you will stop one, shout Main Market and enter,that would've created a different narrative,though i Will see through it and dismantle as usual,but some empty heads will run with it that people are moving all over to extent that Governor boarded Keke up to Main market.

If that Skit was to pull wool over the eyes of the people,then i can tell you that it didn't succeed, rather it reduced the government to a mere jester,it would've been better, if you had moved down with just 2 SECURITY within the photo shot,while the crowd of Security waits as safe distance,just to pretend you are not completely Secured,and that our roads are free , but you came to Visual with ENOUGH Security,and telling masses without protection to dare the Vermins, whereas you or the government is scared and oozing fears.

Sir , Anambra insecurity is not funny, stop acting ,as we are not laughing.

 if you want to grind the activities of daredevil boys to dust, Energize Local Vigilantes, they know the Bad seeds inside out,they also know the gods that the UGM kowtow the allegiance to, so to redress the situation, give each Town Vigilante 3 million as incentive which must be shared equally. maka enyejuo Dibia afó, óbua Mkporogwu na ajó ofia.

Then make budget for the Towns VGC, provide FIRE POWER that can rival or intimidate that of those UGM and see a Brand new STATE. 

Sir,you are playing as if the Next election should be conducted by ANSIEC,as your Special ADVISER,let me tell you that currently you have only Valentine Ozigbo of LP who poke fingers into the Theatrics called Governance. 

Dr Paul Chukwuma of APC who advises for a better Government,but just know that Senator Iyom Uche Ekwunife is coming,she is time 4 of late Senator Ifeanyi Ubah wahala,she is Campaign pro Max,as she will use Kitchen Sink, frying spoon and even washing sponge to fight and people will still have sympathy na etigbue go that lady,so this non Challant attitude will be sliced like Onion if she enter, then the heading will change to "ENTER THE DRAGON"  and you will sweat like man facing UGM on abandoned road...Moving on-

The Joint patrol shouldn't involve AVG as they work differently with Orthodox security. Give Town Vigilantes Semi Autonomy and see them do the impossible. 

Buy the Vigilantes brand new INNOSON TRUCKS, so they can enter all terrain unhindered. 

Tell them that any units or combined units that sack any UGM base in the state will get 20 Million naira, and you see them enter bush and use even KOBOKO to flog those boys off the Bush because ife ndi UGM ma,ka ndi AVG makwa,after all onye mba ka ana amalu ógódó mkpu na ani,óburó onye únó. You take a Ninja to hunt a Ninja as they have a code that Can only be understood by one another.

I have also Advised you use some tested Security advisors in the state, especially those tested and trusted, so we can breathe again,but as a professor, you think you know everything including the street where we live.

Sir, to achieve an incorruptible security, Partner with Each town Billionaire, have a Town meeting with them at each local Government headquarters which will make them to feel at home, not to invite them to Óka and make them feel intimidated.

Then talk to them as brothers and don't Lord it over them , tell them that they should help and rescue Towns as in bunu bunu,ibu anyi danda. Remind them na odi nma óbaru anyi nile.

 Charge them to dash each village Vigilante one Truck and Motorcycles, not SIENNA as most of the Siena available are agba ekperu chi that needs mechanic attention every morning, also ask them nicely to partner with the state by providing ife eji eche obodo or be paying the salaries which will be very juicy to attract able, Agile Vigilantes, when you pay well , they work well . 

Check ICHIDA AVG,the most sought after at the moment they can be the PILOT for all towns.

Then engage our Hunters also who will be sniffing the bushes and working with vigilantes in flushing the Evil out. 

Sir, mounting CCTV is theatrical just like Obiano did same then in Óka and it did not work a day, he even tried Drone also and it FAILED, until he involved Vigilantes and equiped Securities with both vehicles and other needs,that was when security started showing, plus he installed street lights that illuminated our path.

Having CCTV will suffice when you have patrolling Vehicles with enough man Power,so if CCTV see something,they alert people on Field and they will move to abort or checkmate,but mounting CCTV without patrols,is like having SECURITY DOGS that is always locked in the cage at night.

Sir, we are worried because we have our families here on ground, most of you have the families in Exile, but reaping the bounties of our State, so there is no compulsion to secure the street, as fears of loosing members of the family is not existing, as they are tucked Away, but they forgot that once you store them away and continue making the state unsecured, that those families will rather die in exile than ever coming back home and the person will loose the family to Exile, but if the person returned SECURITY to home land, then the argument to return home and inherit what the person looted will suffice. 

As for stealing our patrimonies and storing them away, Posterity will multiply the affliction of the thief, but that by the way, as the person will witness how empty his or her family becomes once age comes to take tool, he or she will see that he has no Children, but mistakes on two legs, as they will make him to go to grave in tears and Heart broken, as the children were trained to be useless and dependent, they will enjoy life of uselessness till they leave the world. 

Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Akua Aka egenti Ndi Egede, Voice of the gods, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Anu ana agba Egbe ona arigo na aritu, Political Analyst with feathers. 

Let me go and check ma enwelu AKAMU eji Ice water mee , that's what my body need now , as Nigeria is showing us to try impossibility, i love LICE and fried Toad I had last night, as i prepare for next phase of Nigeria after all anyi na eri ngwere during the War. 

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