Thursday, October 10, 2024


Colonial monsters came to us with brilliant Anesthesia and we happily think we have reached El Dorado because they spoke with flattery tongue and masquaring with Religion that was Allen to us but with sweeter blend, not knowing they came to enslave us in their own way and method ,left us impoverished and perpetual dependent on them. 

They gave us tainted and Lopsided side of all things flavoured as education , Religion to a better Chi covered as White God, while they painted Satan black just to humiliate and present Africa as Demons, whereas Satan is the Most Handsome of all Angels and he wasn't repainted to make him black,  they were using us with calculated wizardly that favored them ,remove the might in us ,which they replaced with dysfunctional hysteria and Utopian thoughts filled with elusive reasoning.

Made us have complex rather than confidence, it's so bad that what we measure education with is the fluency of one's writing or spoken Diatribe of non loving Nation,we that have more advanced brain than ever are beggarly Nation who depends on them for everything because we refused to use our God giving senses.

Preachers will tell you that without Religious invaders,that we should be wearing LOIN CLOTHES, Living in Caves and continue living primitive life,but hear me, even When the Religious traders came they have almost same level of stunted growth we had,they changed as years come by and people started thinking,so would our own evolve,those technological creations wasn't done by the church or in the church.

 ISRAEL refused to accept Jesus and church, yet they are more advanced than every nation on earth.

When provocateurs provoke Israel they don't ask God who calls them Son to fight or protect them, they rise up and beat the people with so much furry that others will run at mention of State of Israel. But we always cower behind a shrub asking God to do our battle,we that is a Battle of it's own.

We think that sound oratory of English makes one literate and you must forsake your lingua to be graded as literate.

But you must jettison your own Land and background,to impress our COLONIAL monsters to be recognized in Africa as wise and educated. We no Longer have self standard, our standard is what English want it to be.

 While in China, they teach their own  Putungua and Mandarin which is major  language,and they taught them innovation and technologies, not English gibberish.

Japan educate themselves with Japanese language and had no regard for the invaded invalid called English language,and they are liberated in all facet of life.

Malaysia doesn't care about English language and they are doing very Very well in advanced technology.

English taught us well ,but never teach us any knowledge that will be used to industralize Africa , only language that will make us to Believe they are superior and we are inferior and it worked on us till Today.

Rather we show off  impeccable command of English which is gibberish,as even the English doesn't bother about majoring on it as our Children love majoring and mastering on it as superior slaves .

We buried our own language and our Senses got buried with the language, because the gods communicates to mortals in the language of the place,but we borrowed English and the gods went into hibernation waiting for us to emancipate self , which seems a mirage.

They gave us religion,which is their crafted way of life ,though they intertwined it with our own belief in Chukwu Okike who every supplication is addressed to, but their own has twister attached to it,they taught us to focus on things after life and put our hope and reward in HEAVEN,that we shouldn't build our life well on earth,but strive to occupy the one in While we focus they continue taking our Minerals and replacing it with Spiritual Prison sentences.

They made Preachers and none preachers to have home in America and call it American dream,they don't hustle to have House in Heaven again,they travel to those places for heath Care,as the whites make us believe they have better health care ,but the monies we invested building Churches as edifice will build us world class health centers,but our senses are clouded to do that.

HEAVEN should be our Target,while developed nation had good ways of living as their own target, we refused to use our sense for better things ,but we crave good things of life. 

We believe the archaic lies sold to us that our Forefathers offended God and gods ,so we are suffering the effect of that time and ancestral Sins join together, whereas it's their fathers that came to Africa and kill Us in numbers, kidnapped us and call same slave trade,but the children are not suffering the consequences of that wickedness,as they prosper beyond imagination. Making God's creation Slave and we can't learn to ask why the hypocrisy.

Israelites whose Grand parents Killed Jesus , today the children refused to accept Jesus as Savior Talkless of asking for forgiveness of sins,they are yet to accept any burden or wrong doing and those Sins are not holding them down, preachers will tell us that our forebears deviated,but we the children are trying to reconcile with God,how about those Nations that personal transgression are weightier than that of the Fathers?.

preachers told us that we must not use our senses to worship God,but they use personal Senses to collect MONIES from us ,use personal Senses to protect self and allow us to hold on to articles that should be called SATANIC including making members believe in APRON,WATER  THEY CALLED HOLY,IMPORTED OLIVE OIL as they refused to use our own Udeaki or NATIVE oil,instead of the name of Jesus.

 They made us call Almighty God ,god of "Name of the preacher" thereby making the person a deity or POTENTATE of Faith and Congregation including the assistants appear as inferior people,our burdens are mostly preachers Made and because they hammered into us never to reason,we accepted to be Ónuku and they think for us.

We started begging for forgiveness of Sins we know nothing about, still suffer bad economy because we refused to demand EQUITY from our leaders,as there's great conspiracy between the circular world and Ecclesiastical world,they took turn raping us and render us useless. 

They preachers knew that once we Started questioning our leaders for usage of our Funds,we shall also ask Men of Dogs to tell us why they converted Church monies into personal enterprise,so they continued selling us the dummies.

They recreated Slavery but without shackles,but brain Death.

Church is the place where Bishops or General Overseer's doesn't want a graduate off his underlining to prosper.

In circular world, schools will train Doctors and set them free to enter the world and practice after 7 Years.

Engineers will enter the world and structure unsupervised after 5 Years, though they allow us to educate our own theoretically rather than practically,so we ended up graduating more empty heads that can't create job ,but waiting for employment from oil companies, whereas engineers world wide are creating jobs and advancing nations.

Bankers will become Branch manager or above After a period,but no matter how great a preacher is ,the Bishop or general overseer cannot allow him or her to Mount same pulpit where he headquartered, unless a Branch where the Head has return focussed on investment.

No MATTER the level of spiritual impactation conducted on a pastor, he won't mount his Boss Pulpit to show what he is capable of,the Overseer is scared that somebody with better scriptural interpretation may take away his shine and men and women will stop seeing him as assistant Jesus, rather he ordain his wife and Children to be ahead of other preachers.

Hear most of them adorn the names of God's Generals,when they don't even enroll in school of God's ordinance.

When they don't trust Angels or Holy Ghost to protect them,they prefer Policemen with Guns as protector Instead of accepting the protection of Angels and Holy Spirit. 

They don't believe God can heal them ,as they run to Europe for treatment at every small ailment, instead of praying or Using same articles of trade they sale to Members as healing object.

In REALITY, Caucasians built their own life well here on Earth and dreaded the one in heaven as Utopian fabrication,yet the indoctrination was so deep we can't shake it off our Medula oblongata. 

They Zombied us and we veered into hallucinatory Specie that pray to God to come down and tar our roads,provide Security for the society, whereas he gave us Men who can carry out the Job perfectly as it is done in other nations, we imitate on thrifle things.

We refused to Elect the best, we elect the worst and expect the Best work or call God to change our situation,we must be under influence of Hard stuff.

They gave us education,which model us to study about America and her warped ways, also Britain and ways of sorcery , which they turned to HALLOWEEN "intercourse with the Death and Witches" 

They taught us Maths that doesn't serve purpose after school, they teach their own how to generate ideas that work,how to manufacture good things of life , while they teach us how to hold Night Vigils and early morning cries.

What we need is education on how to Mine the minerals under our foot, not having PHD on English or even Maths without ability to calculate how to refine our Crude oil or make use of our Minerals that littered our land.

After many years of independence and studies, we can't process our own minerals and wealth,and we can't see the defect on what they taught us ?

What we had but lost to White man education is Self sufficient and Kindred growth,where a Rich man will take a Boy, tutor him for 6 or 7 Years,the same period it took university to graduate you,the boy will graduate with Masters,but the difference is that he won't be looking for work but looking for workers.

If we had continued without the bias of western stereotyped education,and pay more attention to our natural education of onye zua nwa ndi ózó,nwa ahu azua Ndi no na iru,we ought to be the makers and not takers in todays world.

We ventured into sending our Children to UNIVERSITY,where some studied courses that can't have place to work as it is obsolete.No University teaches how to make use of what we have in NIGERIA.

You can't tell me that He who studied Forestation, Zoology,Librarian, Fine arts will secure Job,we know they are completely WASTE of Funds and time and setting crimes into our streets.

Let me stop before they start saying my article is lengthy,as Africa prefers to read Skit or watch Until we start reading and using our senses, we are deflated.

Let me listen 👂 to the dinge of the gods because i heard them whispering that the gods want to remove subsidy in Nigeria,may be dryness will awaken our senses.

Mkpisi Ndi Egede, Minority Opinion writer na South East, Dibia Onu Ike adighi agbalu Ekperima afa, Nwa Chukwu Ku na aka na onwu agaghi egbunwu ya, Last Born Mpa Nnukwu.

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