Friday, May 11, 2018

James, his Children DNA and POg

Twist of the tale,Ije Nwoke by Mazi Odera POg 11/05/18

Hahahhahahaha Nwokem iga egbukwo mmadu, what is the meaning of coming to see me with Okuko Abuke and Nkenu at this time of the day?

Anyway, welcome and have a seat as I search for what will serve as Cola, I have the following drinks in my fridge.. 
WHITE GIN and Schnapps... 
Also Oji kpuru isi (Blind Cola) 
Virgin Ose Oji and nmimi with AKU ilu.. 

Then I looked at the face of James my Visitor who I was trying to bring back to jovial status and I discovered that he is not in the mood to crack joke, laugh or share a drink and I brought out my Camping Chair, dust it with my left hand, then seat with all seriousness like when a girl wants to announce to the Boy friend who is not capable of getting married, that she is Pregnant for him,that is when you know that 3 words can take 10 minutes to manifest. 

James, refused to seat, he was pacing from one end to another, and my eyes was on him calculating his steps and reading the body language, then suddenly he barked

 "THAT THING I CALLED MY WIFE IS A WHORE " Ezigbo Akwuna, she is worst than DELILAH ".

He paused waiting for me to prompt him, but in my business as the POg I learn when to shut up and listen, and when to talk, so in a situation of this nature, I kept mute, reading his face without any commitments on my eyes. ,then he turned and say to me "POg did you hear what i just said ?" .

I responded, I am not deaf and you are still spitting, go ahead and finish all the biles in you, vomit all the demons holding you, then I can see if my opinion is needed and beside I take my time discussing marriages because I may be the reconciliation factor... 

He now sat down, and I know that I have succeeded in phase one of the orientation. 

Then I saw that his Eyes are RED SHOT and his breath stinks with so much Alcohol, he said to me "POg do you know that all those 4 Boys that Akwuna born in my house ,none is my blood, none is mine, none at all.... Anam azuru Nwoke Ozo Umu "(I am raising another man's children) .

I did not say a thing and he barked, "Oburodi mmadu kam na agwa ?"(Am I not talking to somebody ).

I turned, facing him and with measured acidic tone, I said  IKOGHERICHAGO? 
he was startled, jump up then sit down again and asked, what did you just say ? 
I repeated, ina eme Nkwugheri !!! ...

He sat down with weak and weary shoulder and ask me to explain. 

Now I ask him, What made you to say so about your wife, the mother of your children and the only sources of joy in your life you called your children, who you just disowned ? .

POg, I wanted to take my Family to USA for Holiday, then American Embassy demands DNA of my Children, we went and the result show that none is my Child. I am finished for real... 

I raised my voice just a bit and say SHAT THE FUCK UP you this piece of Trash!!! 

He freeze, breathed inn, out and with mouth agape, he ask again, what did you,,, how will you,,, who the heck do you think you are to address me that way on a very painful situation? 

I replied, I am the Pen of the gods and or Mazi Odera the man who Calls it as it is without fear or favor. 

James the Son of OKONTA, drop that your Phone, hold your hands in supplication mode, put your ears in active mode and your mouth in padlock, now listen to me for I will tell you the truth you can't buy from anywhere and the good thing is that I will give it to you free from all charges.. 

I am sure that as you are, OKONTA your father did not conduct DNA to ascertain that you are his blood. 

He did not conduct DNA on any of your siblings to take ownership. 

How will you feel if one day your father, who you have known all your life, come back home and declare that you are no longer his Son, that some Satanic creation called DNA said he is not your father? 

Sure, I know you will be half dead, you will hate your life, your parents, your brothers and everything around you. 

That will be your parameter to judge the feelings you are about to leave on innocent souls of the Children who calls you Father, the children you nursed, you named them, you stayed awake before they were born and after, you took them to places as your children and you named them after you, they bear your surname and hold the OFO that made you active. 

Have you talked to the children about this? I asked him.. 

No, I just come straight to you from the Lab.... 
Good, because I won't be part of your madness, won't be part of the Kitikpa that will bury your future. 
If you make any of your child have evil impression of you, I bet you that when you are older, he is younger and more matured and he will make you wish you drank acid while you can, I can assure you that, children is like Surname, what you call it becomes your name. 

Who you accept as your child is forever yours.. 

Listen James, what made us FATHERS or say what made you that Father to those Children are the fact that your house is their house, your life revolves around theirs, they wake up by your side, go to sleep in your house, wakes up in the morning and greet you Good Morning Daddy, they went to bed with Goodnight Daddy and when they are sick you treat them the way your own father treated you. 

Those Children have never known any other love nor parents, they love you with all that innocent souls, do not crack that soul and make them breed for the greater God in Heaven will create another Hell Fire specially for you. 

But POg, maybe because it's not in your house that is why you are talking this way, if it's you will you accept what you preach? 

Thank you for one minute, then listen,, not even ANGEL GABRIEL with a flaming sword will come and tell me that this Beautiful children that calls me FATHER are not mine, talkless of some idiotic DNA, if Arch Angel say it to me, I will wrestle him like Jacob did and in my case, I will be the one who broke his angelic ribs or hips as the case may be. 

I do not know how to make a woman pregnant, what I know is that I MOUNTED, PLUG THE FLUG and come down, how the TV started I do not know. 

I don't know if what I produced were capable of SWITCHING the TV or that it was the water She drank that made it, what I know is that, I did what we all believe is the way to make it happen but I can't hold any sacred OFO and swear that human strength or that thing we release is the thing that made the Baby to pop out, so if that is a mystery, then it's not in my power to question the making and I have it all around me that any. Child that Pop into my house is mine and deserve all the Love and care... .. 

Beside, if any man thinks that the best way to FARM is for him to sneak into my FARM and plant his own CORN AND TOMATO, then it's not my business, my business is that I will reap the harvest as it was found on my field. 

Those Children donated by Randy men are always the movers and shakers of tomorrow. 

What I am saying is that, NO DNA, or God will make you to second guess the blessing given to you by God of all Gods. 
Do not insult God by believing he made a mistake.

What you should know is that America derive pleasure putting family in shambles, that is why they have more junkies than ALAYES out there. 

That is why they set up HALF WAY HOME, OLD PEOPLE'S HOME, SHELTER FOR ABANDONED KIDS and if you try to flog your child they will call it Child Abuse and take the child away and put him in a FOSTER home which is more like SODDOM inside Gomorrah. 

Because they have a decadence as society, they twisted  a way to spread the agony of dyfuntional family, especially in Africa since we refused to accept their Vices including HOMO SEXUALISM, LESBIANISM and sleeping with a Dog and Cat .

Just ask self what is their business on who you think is your child? 

They have adoption process in USA and it's legal, if they don't have evil in mind ,why should they worry how anybody get his own adoption or free born? 

It shows they love to afflict and inflict pains and create a divided family, maybe they knew we believe that once it's AMERICA that said it that it's real. 

We believe they don't do mistake but can any AFRICAN country make a Clown and Pure idiot a President like they did ,that shows that they have sense of complete CLOWNS for making that disaster a President, like their Slut  partners who have Queen as leader for life, they have sense of fowl but I digress. 

James, let me leave you at that for I am in a hurry to go and see IYOROM IFENWA  ...just go back home and thank God that you have what others don't have and make sure that this result will not cause a division in your marriage. 

Find a better Fire and Burn the idiotic result for that is where it belong. 

I will tell you before you ask, that my marriage is for better and for worse, any mistake me and my wife made is our cross and I can't allow it to touch our children, so if we are stupid enough not to tolerate our lives, we should know that if it affects the children, then Njo anyi adigo double. 

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